Night studio (Bayerischer Rundfunk)

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The night studio is a radio broadcast by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), a cultural broadcast and the oldest broadcast by Bayerischer Rundfunk.


Culture and democracy

The first edition of Nachtstudio went on air on December 10, 1948. The Bavarian radio was still called Radio Munich at that time. The American military government, which still oversees the station and the program, relaxed the censorship regulations for this. This took place in the course of the so-called re-education program, with which the victorious powers wanted to bring the Germans closer to democratic ideas. The series was designed as a discussion forum for intellectual questions. The first broadcast was an essay by the British cultural theorist Arnold J. Toynbee with the title "The Western tradition is still in the making". From the beginning, Dr. Gerhard Szczesny the editor. After studying and serving in the military on the Eastern Front, he worked for Desch Verlag and worked as a freelance author in Munich. In 1952 he described the philosophy of the series as follows:

“The specific task of the night studio is primarily not to describe, teach or teach. Rather, we want to deliver factually well-founded contributions to discussions and statements that encourage intellectual debate by challenging them. "

Censorship and Szczesny's farewell

Szczesny won important intellectuals, writers, philosophers and scientists as authors for the night studio. Once a week he invited people to a lecture, reading or conversation. His invitations were followed by u. a. Hans-Georg Gadamer (on October 20, 1949), Wolfgang Abendroth (on July 23, 1953), Alexander Mitscherlich (on November 3, 1949), Hannah Arendt (January 3, 1957) and Carlo Schmid (on August 11, 1954) . In 1961 three night studio programs met with criticism from conservative and ecclesiastical circles: the contribution “Was ich kein Zeuge” by Hermann Kesten , a talk program with Robert Neumann and the program “Catholicism in a communist country” by the Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski . Kolakowski's supposedly communist radio essay was canceled by order of the artistic director Christian Wallenreiter . After the Broadcasting Council has confirmed the procedure of the artistic director, i. H. Having approved the cancellation of the Kolakowski broadcast, Szczesny submitted his departure in November 1961 and left the Bavarian Radio in protest.

Extension of airtime

Initially, the night studio had the broadcast slot between 11 p.m. and midnight. Gustava Mösler, Leonhard Reinisch , Kurt Hoffmann and Willy Hochkeppel worked for the editorial team for many years . With them, Szczesny expanded the series into a so-called special program in 1957. As a result, the night studio got more airtime and a cheaper time slot from 9 p.m. One hour of broadcasting time a week became 10 1/2 spread over three days a week. In addition to numerous individual programs, series such as “Drei Personen sucht ein Autor”, “Marginalien”, “Die Zeitschriftenschau” or the literary program “New Pocket Books” have established themselves. The authors of the night studio were, among others, Theodor W. Adorno , Carl Amery , Ingeborg Bachmann , Arnold Gehlen , Joachim Kaiser , Erika Mann , the then cardinal and later Pope Benedickt XVI. Josef Ratzinger and Manès Sperber . Also revealing for the later development of radio and television in Germany is the claim that Bayerischer Rundfunk formulated in its six-month program in 1958 for the night studio, which at the time was still a "special program":

“It is not just any elite that should be addressed, but every open-minded person who follows the processes in the world in which he is placed with sympathy. Like no other journalistic institution, broadcasting is able to make millions of people of every level of education and every social class directly acquainted with the events and ideas at every hour and in every place. "

New forms of broadcast

In the beginning, the only forms of expression in the night studio were the spoken word and the spoken word. The features in the print media and the academic lecture served as a model and template. Over the years, forms suitable for broadcasting, radiophonic formats such as features and audio images with distributed speaking roles have emerged. Experiments were carried out, and the night studio became a development department. Typical for this are the night studio marginalia, a fifteen-minute critical feature section, designed by authors such as Carl Amery , Alfred Andersch , Hans Magnus Enzensberger , Wolfgang Hildesheimer and Ludwig Marcuse . To this day, many cultural offers on the radio are shaped by the forms of broadcasting developed at the time in the night studio editorial offices of other broadcasters in the system of public broadcasters. The historical archive of Bayerischer Rundfunk offers a comprehensive compilation of the night studio programs between 1948 and 2001 in a five-part documentation on its website. In 2016, Jörg Albrecht's "Fiction Victims" was the first web story based on his radio essay.

Development until today

After a brief interregnum, Kurt Hoffmann took over the management of the editorial team on February 1, 1963 and renamed the broadcasting slot "Nachtstudio" again. After him, Leonhard Reinisch was in charge from 1973 to 1989, and literary critic and filmmaker Peter Laemmle from 1990 to 2006 . Under his aegis, the night studio had a literary focus, Silvia Bovenschen and Eva Demski were regularly represented in the program. In 2006 - after the unexpected death of Peter Laemmle - Barbara Schäfer took over the department, who had previously worked in the radio play department as chief dramaturge. In her series of events, Forum Essay, she was looking for links to documentary film, theater and the visual arts. She also won literary figures such as Kathrin Röggla and Navid Kermani for the program. She created the new series nachtstudio.kleinformat. Once a month, short essays and sections could be heard, including kiosk - an international magazine show, bulletin board - a selection of events - and nemo - a literary quiz with guests, moderated by Antonio Pellegrino. In 2014, Barbara Schäfer switched to the radio drama department / background culture at Deutschlandfunk. Since then, Martin Zeyn has headed the night studio. The magazine "Wildes Denk" is now replacing the "small format". The editorial team formulates the motto of the show on their current show homepage:

“The night studio was the refuge of the nonconformists in the 50s and 60s of the last century, the lateral thinkers before this attitude became the official fitness training of the intellectuals with the postmodern era ... a place for freedoms in a society that repeatedly has to learn anew where she wants to be free and where she wants to set limits ” .

The night studio is now the only post-war broadcast on Bayerischer Rundfunk that is broadcast under its original name. In an article on the 70th birthday of the broadcast format, Stefan Fischer asks the Süddeutsche Zeitung the question "Do you still need a 70-year-old radio program?" And gives the answer:

Almost all of the night studio programs are clever, provide food for thought and encourage contradiction. The end of the month at the end of the month, the magazine's "Wildes Denk" magazine issue is particularly lively, provocative, with a tendency towards the anarchic. The night studio has not lost its original function, and so this show necessarily still exists. "

Shipment info

The night studio can currently be heard every Tuesday from 8:05 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on public holidays from 22:05 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Bayern 2 . In addition, most of the programs can also be called up on the Bavarian Broadcasting's podcasts.

Sound carrier

  • Theodor W. Adorno, Elias Canetti, Thomas Mann, Hannah Arendt u. a .: Zeitgeist and obstinacy: lectures and discussions . Anniversary edition 60 years of BR Nachtstudio. Munich: Quartino, 2009. ISBN 978-3-86750-044-9 (6 CDs)
  • Martin Heidegger: What does thinking mean. Auditorium Network, Mühlheim. [1]


  • Monika Boll: Night program. Intellectual founding debates in the early Federal Republic . Münster: Lit Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-8258-7108-8 .
  • Barbara Schäfer, Monika Boll, Antonio Pellegrino (eds.): Night studio. Radio essays . Munich: Belleville Verlag, 2008, ISBN 3-936298-65-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nachtstudio -entwicklung, accessed on November 30, 2014
  2. ↑ The broadcast has been discontinued, History of the Night Studio in the introduction to pdf finding aids, accessed on December 1, 2014.
  3. ^ The Szczesny case in, accessed November 30, 2014.
  4. Szczesny leaves Bayernfunk, accessed on November 30, 2014
  5. Bayerischer Rundfunk: Dr. Gustava Mösler: First Radio Director | . January 13, 2016 ( [accessed March 7, 2018]).
  6. ^ BR sources on Leonhard Reinisch, accessed on November 30, 2014
  7. ^ Primary authors BR history, accessed on November 30, 2014
  8. ^ Finding aids for Nachtstudio, accessed on November 30, 2014
  9. fiction victims. Accessed March 7, 2018 (German).
  10. Nachtstudio-Philosophie on, accessed on November 30, 2014
  11. Martin Zeyn: Old, but sexy! The story of the night studio., June 12, 2018, accessed on December 13, 2018 .
  12. Stefan Fischer: Wild and rebellious., December 9, 2018, accessed December 10, 2018 .
  13. Download postcasts from Nachtstudio, accessed November 30, 2014