Furtwangen fools guild

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A spatula with the traditional, crocheted fabric patches

The Narrenzunft Furtwangen is a carnival club in the tradition of the Swabian-Alemannic carnival in Furtwangen in the Black Forest ( Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis ). The guild is a member of the Association of Swabian-Alemannic Fools' Guilds (VSAN).


The Fasnet can be traced back to Furtwangen until the early 18th century. There is evidence of the so-called Hirschmendig in church registers. There are numerous other sources in later times.

As in many other places in the region, the Rhenish carnival was at least partially introduced in the 19th century, but the Alemannic carnival with its masked bustle never completely disappeared.

In 1926 fools who wanted to celebrate Fasnet despite the difficult economic situation came together and founded the fools' guild. After the Second World War, the carnival was largely freed from the influences of the Rhenish carnival and returned entirely to the Swabian-Alemannic carnival .

The fools guild now consists of a number of groups, each with their own masks. With almost 1,000 members, the fools' guild is one of the largest associations in the city. The fool's guild is a member of the Association of Swabian-Alemannic fools' guilds . The incumbent president of the Roland Wehrle association is an active member of the Furtwangen fools' guild. The association is divided into different landscapes. Furtwangen is part of the "Black Forest landscape". Its chairman Ewald Kromer is also an active fool in Furtwangen.



The spatula with the "modern" felt stains

The figure of the Furtwanger Spättle was described in detail as early as the 19th century. Spättle is the name for scraps of fabric that are sewn onto clothing. Originally this was simple clothing fabric that was cut out or punched in a semicircle and then crocheted around the edges. Later, the easier-to-manufacture spattles made of colored felt followed. In the meantime, the old costume with the crocheted scraps of fabric has also been revived. A white collar, a mischievous wooden mask, a foxtail as a sign of foolishness and a bell and a scourge with a pig's bladder (sublodere) are part of the costume of the Spättle.

City witch

City Hex
City Hex

As early as the 19th century in Furtwangen there was evidence that, in an old tradition, boys dressed up as witches in women's clothes and were up to mischief. This resulted in a group of witches in the 1950s, which shortly thereafter officially joined the guild of fools as a city witch and today, with around 200 henchmen, is the largest group in the fools' guild.

The witches wear a wine-red skirt with a black blouse and a green apron, as well as straw shoes. The expressive dark wooden mask is both grim and friendly.

An important task of the witches is to accompany the shirtglunker parade on the fat Thursday and then to burn the last complainer. Here, to the delight of the audience, the witches dare daring leaps through the still blazing fire. This fire is kindled from brushwood waves, which are made in summer. In January 2007 over 3000 guests celebrated its 50th anniversary together with the witches' guild.

More figures

  • Fuhrkigili: carters in furman smocks and with scourges
  • Old maid: elegant ladies in the style of the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Fool's Tree Setter: Guild in the outfit of the carpenters who set up the fool's tree when called and later falls again.
  • Bodenwälder (single figure): Legendary figure from the Bodenwald, one of the Furtwang mountains. His hat is completely hung with lichen .
  • Hansili: Typical white fool with sun and moon on his hat

The Furtwanger carnival

The witches leap through the fire on the Dirty Dunschtig

The actual Furtwanger Fasnet lasts from calling out to Ash Wednesday. In addition, the opening is the Klepfen an Dreikönig and the “Hirschmentig” on the date of the “Old Carnival”. In addition, there are three large carnival balls on Saturday evening with a large foolish show part in which the city's events are also targeted.

The appointments:

  • The Fuhrkigili clinging to Epiphany
  • Proclaim the carnival and place the fool's tree two weeks before the carnival
  • Musical awakening, church service in the town church, breakfast in the Kirnerstube, storming the town hall, liberation of children in schools and kindergartens on the morning of Dirty Dunschtig
  • Children's parade on the afternoon of the Dirty Dunschtig
  • Shirt glunker parade and burning of the last complainer as well as witch's jump on the evening of the Dirty Dunschtig
  • Begging (begging) children in the town's shops on Saturday mornings
  • Large parade with the whole guild, neighboring guilds and other groups on the afternoon of Carnival Sunday
  • Elfimess with lively speeches on carnival morning Mendig
  • Kehrausball with interludes on Tuesday evening (no longer with dance interludes since 2012, as the event has been moved to a restaurant)
  • Church service, purse laundering and felling of the fool's tree on Ash Wednesday the service takes place (unfortunately) without fools
  • The traditional Hirschmendig on the Monday after Carnival ( Old Carnival ) in the inns "Goldener Rabe" and "Hirschen"

Individual evidence

  1. Bodenwälder - Furtwangen Fools' Guild. Retrieved February 15, 2018 .

Web links

Commons : Fasnet in Furtwangen in the Black Forest  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files