National Capital Region (Canada)

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Location of the National Capital Region (striped, Ottawa: red, Gatineau: purple)

National Capital Region (French Région de la capitale nationale ) is the official name for the Canadian capital Ottawa , its twin city Gatineau and the surrounding region. The region covers an area of ​​4715 km² with around 1.5 million inhabitants and is located in both the province of Ontario and Québec . The metropolitan region of Ottawa - Gatineau ( Census Metropolitan Area ) is often referred to as the National Capital Region. However, these areas differ slightly.

The National Capital Region was created by Parliament in 1959. The region is headed by a board of directors supported by commissions. The staff consists of 15 members: a president, a chief executive officer , five members from the capital region and eight members from other regions of Canada. The institution has no legal responsibility of its own, although the National Capital Commission (NCC) is deeply involved in political decisions and is involved in planning the National Capital Region.


Numerous facilities in the National Capital Region are managed by the NCC, including numerous properties, parks and nature reserves, and a network of trails that are primarily intended for recreational use.

Road network

Capital Pathway on the Ottawa River with a view of Parliament

The network of paths consists of parkways , combined footpaths and cycle paths ( Capital Pathways ) and Confederation Boulevard .

Name named after Length (km) location Attractions
Aviation Parkway Rockcliffe Airfield 4.3 Ottawa Canada Aviation and Space Museum
Colonel By Drive John By 7.9 Ottawa Rideau Canal , Dow's Lake Mooneys Bay, and Downtown Ottawa
Experimental Farm Drive Central Experimental Farm 2 Ottawa Central Experimental Farm and Canada Agriculture and Food Museum
Island Park Drive Bate Island 3.5 Ottawa Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa River and many ambassador residences
Lady Gray Drive 0.6 Ottawa National Art Gallery
Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway John A. Macdonald 9.5 Ottawa Canadian War Museum
Queen Elizabeth Driveway 5.6 Ottawa Rideau Canal , Golden Triangle
Sir George-Etienne Cartier Parkway George-Etienne Cartier 13.6 Ottawa Canada Aviation and Space Museum and many ambassador residences
Lac Philippe Road Lac Philippe 4.5 Gatineau
Leamy Lake Parkway Lac Leamy 2.0 Gatineau Leamy Lake Park, Leamy Lake Beach, Casino du Lac-Leamy
Champlain Parkway Samuel de Champlain 10.7 Gatineau Park Mackenzie King Estate
Fortune Lake Parkway Lac Fortune 4.4 Gatineau Park a ski trail in winter
Gatineau Parkway Gatineau Park 18.4 Gatineau Park Lac Meech , Camp Fortune and Pink Lake .
Lac-des-Fées Parkway Lac des Fées Gatineau Park Gatineau Park


In addition to smaller city parks in Ottawa and Gatineau, the NCC also manages Gatineau Park and the National Capital Greenbelt , a protected green belt around the core city of Ottawa.


The farm in Gatineau Park

The NCC is the manager of numerous historically significant properties in the capital region, including many cultural monuments.


  • Maria Weissenböck: Urban Cultural Tourism in the core of the National Capital Region of Canada. A steakholder approach. Dissertation at the chair of Christoph Stadel , University of Salzburg

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Description of national capital region. (No longer available online.) Department of Justice Canada, archived from the original on September 23, 2012 ; Retrieved August 12, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Board of Directors , last accessed June 24, 2009