National Blood Donation Medal (Monaco)

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The National Blood Donation Medal was granted by Decree 10,965 on July 30, 1993 by Prince Rainier III. Donated by Monaco and is awarded as an award of merit for blood donation in the Principality of Monaco in three stages.


  • Gold for 100 or more blood donations (the medal is silver gold-plated )
  • Silver for 60 to 99 blood donations
  • Bronze for 30 to 59 blood donations

Order decoration

The round medal shows a stylized drop of blood in the center with the inscription MERITE NATIONAL DU SANG(National Merit of the Blood). The coat of arms of the principality, set with diamonds, can be seen on the back . All around in the upper semicircle (blood donation) and in the lower (Principality of Monaco). DON DU SANG PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO

Carrying method

The award is worn on a red and white hatched ribbon with red stripes on the left side of the chest.


The award is announced in the official gazette of the Principality and takes place on the national holiday.


  • Jacques Guiraud-Darmais: Ordres et Décorations Monégasques. 2me édition augmentée, review, corrigée. Archives du Palais Princier, Monaco 1996, ISBN 2-903147-15-9 .

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