National Day of Remembrance of the Genocide of the Serbs, the Holocaust and the other victims of fascism

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Memorial in Donja Gradina . There was the execution area of the Jasenovac concentration camp .
Ustasha beheading a Serb civilian with a saw .
Serbian civilians shortly before the Kraljevo and Kragujevac massacres by the Nazis.

The National Day of Remembrance of the Serbs Genocide ( Serbian - Cyrillic Национални дан сећања на геноцид над Србима ) is a national statutory day of remembrance on April 22 in Serbia . It is a memorial primarily to the Serbs , but also to Jews and Roma , as well as victims of other minorities who perished or were murdered during the Second World War in the fascist Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and in Yugoslavia occupied by the Axis powers .

The victims died in concentration or internment camps , through massacres , mass shootings , executions , raids and religious persecution , especially through the terror of the extreme right-wing Ustasha , but also through the Nazis , as well as their allies and collaborators, including the Bosnian Muslim SS Handschar , the Albanian SS Skanderbeg or from Volksdeutschen composite SS division Prinz Eugen .

April 22nd was chosen because on this day in 1945 a group of internees from the Ustasha death camp in the Jasenovac concentration camp broke through , where of the remaining 1000 prisoners only 127 people survived.

The number of victims has always been the subject of political debate and conflict. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum , approximately 77,000 to 99,000 Serbs and Jews were murdered between 1941 and 1945 in the NDH state alone.

The victims are remembered with numerous nationwide events; among other things, wreaths are laid and honor is paid to monuments .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum  : Jasenovac . United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved January 27, 2014.