Nature conservation and landscape development in Vorarlberg

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Nature conservation and landscape development in Vorarlberg are legal measures that are centrally regulated in the Vorarlberg law on nature conservation and landscape development .

The concept of the protected area in Vorarlberg state law

Vorarlberg nature conservation law distinguishes between the following protected area classes:

The general type of protected area is set out in the new law on nature conservation and landscape development  (GNL) of 1997:

"The state government can issue regulations on the protection of certain, precisely delimited areas if special protection of nature or individual parts of it and the landscape in these areas is in the public interest due to their importance."

- Section 26 (1) of the  GNL protected areas

The prerequisites are (also according to § 26 Paragraph 1), "if the area,

a) is characterized by complete or extensive originality ,
b) large-scale habitats of animals , which are characterized by far-reaching rest, having
c) houses rare or endangered animal or plant species or communities of animals and plants,
d) contains rare or scientifically interesting minerals or fossils ,
e) represents a natural or landscape area that is rare of its kind in the country ,
f) is of particular scenic beauty or character or is of particular importance for the recreation of the population and it is expected to be disturbed by certain activities, or
g) as a small-scale, near-natural preserved landscape part or as a cultural landscape , the landscape - or townscape particularly impressed contributing to the revitalization or organization of the landscape or townscape, or is important for the recovery of the population. "

Originally, the protected area in this sense goes back to the Reich Nature Conservation Act 1935 of the German Reich (in Austria after the Anschluss with GBl.fdLÖ. No. 245/1939), which existed in Vorarlberg until 1969, and then only in small details as Nature Conservation Act 1969 was changed.

The term "nature conservation areas" according to § 4 NSG 1935 - in this name - was used as "certain delimited districts in which a special protection of nature in its entirety or in individual parts of it for scientific, historical, local and folkloric reasons or is in the public interest because of its scenic beauty or uniqueness. ”(Section 4 Vlbg. NSG 1969) continued as the only protection category alongside the natural monuments (Section 3) and other parts of the landscape (Section 5).

In the completely redesigned nature conservation law of 1997, the concept of only one protection was retained, but now in the sense of a modern concept of protected area that is intended to do justice to the special situation in its designation.
The individual otherwise usual categories are a more detailed definition of the protection purpose :

"Areas protected by ordinance pursuant to Paragraph 1,

in which nature is protected in its entirety can be used as nature reserves ,
if the protection mainly relates to the defense against disturbances of the rest by the leisure and recreational activities , as rest areas ,
if the protection mainly relates to the landscape , as landscape protection areas ,
if the protection relates to plants , as plant protection areas

be designated. "

- Section 1 (6) GNL

This corresponds to the basic idea of ​​the law, not to separate nature protection and landscape protection, and in particular to upgrade landscape protection - otherwise thought of as rather less strict protection - compared to the wilderness concept of classic nature reserves and to equate them.

  • The nature reserve  (NSG) and landscape protection area  (LSG) correspond to the intentions of the usual classes, nature reserves as the main group of the category there are 24, landscape protection areas only two.
  • The plant protection area  (PSG) was already designated in the days of the NSG in 1969 (as an "Ordinance on the Protection of Plants in ..."), but has largely lost its purpose due to the detailed species protection provisions of the new law, of the 13 plant protection areas that have since existed today only three left.
  • The quiet zone  (RZ) is an implementation of the requirements of the Alpine Convention (Protocol on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management ). So far only one has been reported, a second (a) was under discussion.
  • The term of the protected part of the landscape (it mostly describes small-scale areas outside the IUCN categories ) was also embedded (“The protective measures in an ordinance according to Paragraph 1 can extend to the entire nature of the specifically delimited area or only to parts of it . "Section 1 (3) GNL).
  • There is also a buffer zone to a Natura 2000 area

In addition, the national legal implementation of the areas of the European Natura 2000 network as a European protected area was also included under the concept of protected areas. This, too, is only common in Vorarlberg, otherwise the European Protected Area is usually anchored as an independent category: Vorarlberg, on the other hand, has the biosphere reserve according to the UNESCO concept, which accommodates the small-scale regional geography and the commitment to ecological agriculture as a nature conservation and spatial planning instrument, as an independent state class introduced.

There are hardly any protective provisions on the concept of the protected area resulting from the law itself ; these are detailed in the respective ordinance on the area itself.

Another special feature of Vorarlberg nature conservation is that area protection is often only granted for a limited period of five years, and is then usually successively extended. This is also an implementation of a strategy that does not want to create completed, “from above” decreed facts without support in the implementation, the interest groups and on site: “Nature and environmental protection has a multi-year program with clear objectives , with resource planning and success control ”( position - self-image , strategy paper).

Legal sources

  1. Law on Nature Conservation and Landscape Development LGBl. No. 22/1997, 58/2001, 38/2002, 1/2008, 72/2012, 44/2013, 9/2014 (as amended  ris.bka ).


Web links

  • Protected areas in Vorarlberg. In: · Nature and environmental protection · Data & facts. State of Vorarlberg, Office of the State Government - Environmental Protection, accessed in 2011 .
  • VOGIS / Vorarlbergatlas online: Flora & Fauna : Everything about nature conservation: Biotopes, Natura 2000 areas and other natural protected areas.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ K. Gehrer: Nature and landscape protection in Vorarlberg legislation . In: Montfort . tape 25 , no. 4 , 1973, p. 378-387 . Quoted from Maria Aschauer (calculation, editing), Markus Grabher, Ingrid Loacker (editing): History of nature conservation in Vorarlberg . Report prepared on behalf of the Vorarlberg Nature Conservation Council. Ed .: UMG Umweltbüro Grabher. Hard December 7, 2007, 6. Nature conservation from World War II to the 1960s Part 1: An ecological perspective , p.
     39 ff . ( [PDF; 6.0 MB ]). And part 2: case studies. (with references, PDF; 6 MB).
  2. sales and italics Wikipedia
  3. a b Fritz Möbus: Protected areas in Vorarlberg in 2009. In: Nature conservation and wilderness in Europe., January 28, 2010, accessed May 26, 2011 .
  4. ^ M. Kirchberger: Eight plant protection areas in Vorarlberg . In: The mountain friend . No. 19 (3) , 1967, pp. 2-3 .
  5. ^ A b Max Albrecht: Legal foundations of nature conservation in Vorarlberg. In: · Nature and environmental protection · Data & facts. State of Vorarlberg, Office of the State Government - Environmental Protection, accessed on April 16, 2011 .
  6. ^ A b State of Vorarlberg, Office of the State Government - Environmental Protection (Ed.): Nature and environmental protection in Vorarlberg. Strategy paper . April 2007, I. Position - Self-Image ; II.  Target by 2015 , p. 3 ff . ( pdf ,

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