Nebelung cat

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Aleksandr van Song de Chine.jpg
TICA (PDF file; 23 kB)
Shoulder height up to 40 cm
Weight Male: 6 to 7 kg.
Cat: 4 to 5 kg
allowed colors blue
colors not allowed all other
permitted coat drawing none (non-agouti)
not allowed coat drawing all
List of cat breeds

The Nebelung is an elegant breed of cats that was only slowly being noticed by cat breeders. The name Nebelung, a portmanteau of fog and Nibel clothes enlied , can be calculated from the silky blue-gray fur and the name of the first parents Siegfried and Brunhilde, named after two main characters of the Nibelungenlied, derive.


The Nebelung is a very young and still rare breed that first appeared in America in the 1980s. The two cats Siegfried (1984) and Brunhilde (1985) bred by Cora Cobb were descendants of a short-haired black cat and a long-haired black male that resembled an Angora cat. Both Siegfried and Brunhilde were the only blue cats with long fur and long legs in their litters. The two full siblings were the first parents of a new breed (first litter 1986), which Cora Cobb had confirmed at TICA in 1987 with the help of Solveig Pflueger . The standard was adjusted to the Russian Blue , from which it differs only in the length of the hair.


The Nebelung is a medium-sized cat. She has a strong, muscular and long body. The coat is of medium length and dense, so regular grooming is necessary. The hair has silver (light) tips, which gives the fur a silky, shiny, foggy appearance. The tail is long and hairy. The eyes are set wide and yellowish-green to green. The ears are large in relation to the head.


The Nebelung has a gentle nature. She is often shy of strangers and children. She needs time to find her way in a new environment. However, once it has got used to it, it often wants to be petted by its owners and requires a lot of attention. She usually develops an active relationship with one or two people and is active, affectionate, and good-natured.


No typical diseases of the new breed are known to date. Stressful situations should be avoided, as the excitement literally hits you "on the stomach". Diarrhea, vomiting, and emotional distress can result from these circumstances. Regular vaccinations are recommended.

Colors and fur drawings

The only recognized color is the original gray of the first parents Sigfried and Brunhilde, without any fur markings. The silvery shimmering fur of the Nebelung is due to its special hair color, whereby the hair tips are significantly lighter in color. In kittens, tabby patterns may appear in the first year of life, but these will discolor over time.


The thick coat of the semi-long-haired cat should be combed weekly. Basic care, such as regular control of the ears or claws, is a matter of course.


  1. TICA breed description
