Cymric (cat)

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Cymric - Norwegian forest cat presentation show Kotka 2009-02-01 IMG 0687.JPG
Shoulder height
Weight Male: Ø kg
female: Ø kg
allowed colors all
colors not allowed no
permitted coat drawing all
not allowed coat drawing no
List of cat breeds

The cymric is a long haired breed of domestic cat . Except for the length of the hair, it is identical to the Manx cat and some associations also list it as a long-haired variant under “Manx”. The name comes from Cymru , the native name of Wales , although the breed has nothing to do with Wales in any way. It was chosen to give the breed, which originated from the Isle of Man , a "Celtic" name.


On the Isle of Man, a genetic defect resulted in a population of tailless cats (now Manx cats) from the domestic cats. The breed was able to establish itself through the island's closed gene pool . The gene for long hair, which was also present in this population, repeatedly produced long-haired offspring, but these were discarded as mutations. Only when such offspring were born in Canada in the 1960s did the local cat breeders try to establish a breed out of it. While the Manx was already recognized as a breed in the 1920s, the long-haired variant was not recognized until the 1960s with the initiative from Canada. The Cymric "enjoyed" growing popularity only from the mid-1970s.


The Cymric is a muscular, compact, medium to large sized cat with strong bones. It weighs between 3 kg and 6 kg and has a rounded appearance. She has big, full eyes and wide ears. Her hair is half-length, dense and on the body with a lot of undercoat, which contributes to the round appearance. All colors and drawings are allowed, including all eye colors.

The Cymric comes in four different tail shapes. The rumpy is the preferred one where the cat has no tail at all. There is often a small depression at the point where the tail should come out of the body. Next up are the rumpy-raisers , where the tail is made up of one to three vertebrae. The stumpies have a short tail that usually curves and has knots or kinks. Finally there are the longies , whose tail is almost as long as that of normal domestic cats. There are breeders who dock the tail of the longies , but this is forbidden in Germany due to the Animal Welfare Act. It is not possible to predict the length of the tail in a litter.


Cymric are intelligent, fun-loving cats who get along well with other pets, including dogs. They are loyal to their people and love to spend their time with them. It is possible to teach them tricks. Despite their playful temperament, they are gentle and not aggressive. They also don't require excessive attention. They are very playful and extremely talented in jumping. Like Manx cats, they love water.


The gene for taillessness has a lethal factor . Genuine tailless individuals die in the womb. Since this occurs in 25% of the offspring, the litters of the Cymric are rather small. The gene is also responsible for the so-called “Manx syndrome”, from which spina bifida (open back), gaps in the spine, fused vertebrae or intestinal and bladder disorders can result. The hopping gait of some Cymric or Manx is also attributed to the deformation of the spine.

Not every Cymric has Manx Syndrome. It is caused by the Manx gene and cannot be cured if it occurs. However, the problems usually become visible within the first six months of life, which is why some buyers wait so long to buy before they can decide against the disabled animal. Since the massive health impairments result from genetics, they occur extremely frequently; two thirds of all live born animals are born with genetic disabilities.

The health problems correspond to occur in Manx cats are there explained.


Like the Manx cat, the Cymric is considered a torture breed according to the German animal welfare law and is therefore actually subject to a breeding ban. Breeding in countries where it is not expressly prohibited has been sharply criticized by animal welfare organizations.

Individual evidence

  1. CFA breed profile Manx ( Memento of the original from June 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. CFA breed profile Manx ( Memento of the original from June 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Mutation, example: Manx
  4. Expert opinion on the interpretation of § 11b Animal Welfare Act (PDF) by the expert group on animal welfare and pet breeding, accessed on August 2, 2018

Web links

Commons : Cymric  - collection of images, videos and audio files