List of breeds of cats

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Formation of cat breeds

The majority of the cat breeds that exist today come exclusively from European, Oriental and Asian domestic cats . The Angora cat is considered to be the oldest systematically bred breed of cat . Another very old breed is the Siamese cat . The origin of the long-haired mutation of the long-haired races is believed to be in the Middle East ( Turkish Angora , Turkish Van ). However, recent research on the cat genome has shown that e.g. B. in the genome of today's Persian cat, the genes of domestic cats of European origin dominate; possibly an indication that the influence of Russian longhair cats also already present at the beginning of planned cat breeding in England on the developing Persian breed was greater than previously assumed. From the middle of the 20th century, cat breeding developed rapidly, and other regional types were developed into independent breeds and brought to recognition. Some races were created by racial division, others by crossbreeding. Cats with unusual body features created by mutations also became the founders of new breeds.

Very recently, small cat species from the genera of the Bengal cats and the caracal group have also been crossed with domesticated cats to create new breeds . From this emerged and arise hybrid races such as B. Bengal or Savannah .

The trend towards creating more and more new breeds is unbroken. American breeders in particular are very keen to experiment. Every new breed must be recognized by the felinological umbrella organizations. Not all newer breeds are already recognized in all umbrella organizations.

Systematics of the cat breeds

Cat breeding has produced a number of different cat breeds, which, however, look much more similar to one another than the different dog breeds . In contrast to the working dog, whose tasks are of different nature (hunting or greyhound, badger and fox dog, herding dog, pointing dog, bear hunt), the cat only ever had two tasks, namely keeping mice out of the human environment and using it as a pet . Therefore there was no need for different races.

Cat breeds are traditionally divided into short-haired, long-haired and semi-long-haired races, whereby only the Persian cat and its color variants are classified as long-haired, while all other more or less long-haired breeds are classified as semi-long-haired. Genetically speaking, however, there is only short or long hair ( recessive gene l [small "L"]).

Further subdivisions are often made at pedigree cat shows. The long-haired natural breeds Maine Coon , Norwegian forest cat and Siberian cat are summarized under the umbrella term " forest cats ".

Crossing boundaries

Extreme breeding can have negative effects on the health of the animals, which in some cases means that they are questionable from an animal welfare point of view (Section 11b of the German Animal Welfare Act ). Examples include the deafness that often occurs in white cats; also the mutations built up to the "racial trait" tailless ( Manx ), short-tailed (the various Bobtails), folded (Fold) or ruffled (Curl) ears, hairlessness ( Sphynx ) and the shortening of the limbs (Munchkin) or the facial skull ( brachycephaly ) Extreme breeds of the Persian cat . The report published on June 2, 1999 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture on the interpretation of § 11b TierSchG (prohibition of torture breeding ) lists such characteristics and breeds.

Cat breeds

Short-haired cats

designation image FIFe WCF GCCF WACC TICA CFA complement
Abyssinian Valentino.jpg ABY ABY 23 48 FROM Abyssinian
Egyptian Mau Egy mau.jpg MAU MAU 78 73 EM Egyptian Mau
American Bobtail Shorthair Bobtail Tabby Cat MISSI WITH BABY -1996.jpg - - - - bra American bobtail
American Curl Shorthair American curl.jpg ACS ACR - 82 AC American curl
American Shorthair American Shorthair.jpg - ASH - 51 AS American Shorthair
American Wirehair American Wirehair - CFF cat show Heinola 2008-05-04 IMG 8721.JPG - AWH - 52 AW American Wirehair
Anatoly Cat 0063.JPG - ANA - - -
Arab Mau Bex Arabian Mau.jpg - ARB - - -
Asian BrownVarientAsianCat.JPG - - 72 - - Burma-type cats, includes Bombay and Burmilla
Australian crap Australian Mist.jpg - AUM - 91 - engl. Australian Mist or Spotted Mist
Bengal Brown spotted tabby bengal cat.jpg BEN BEN 76 75 BG Hybrid breed of Bengal or Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and domestic cat
Bombay Bombay cat.jpg - BOM 72 53 BO Bombay in the Asian race group there is also a black morph called Bombay. However, it has nothing to do with this breed and must not be confused.
Brazilian shorthair Gato pelo curto brasileiro.JPG - BRA - - -
British shorthair BKH cat blue.jpg BRI BRI 14-22, 28, 30, 31, 36, 39, 40, 75 41 BS British Shorthair Also abbreviated as BKH. BKH blue are often referred to as "Carthusian".
Burma Burmese-chocolate.JPG BUR BUR 27 46 BU Burmese
Burmilla Burmillablack.jpg BML BMI 72 47 - Burmilla Asian silver shaded
California Spangled Star Spangled Cat.jpg - - - 88 - Mixed breed of Abyssinian, American Shorthair and British Shorthair, probably extinct
Ceylon cat - CEY - 67 -
Chartreux 0612 chartreux vitscha orsbleus.jpg CHA CHA - 45 CX Chartreux Chartreuse, Carthusian
Chausie Chausie fugao.jpg - - - 90 CU Hybrid breed of pipe cat (Felis chaus) and house cat
Cornish Rex Olivia2.jpg CRX CRX 33 54 CR Cornish Rex
Devon Rex Rackartuss Hiawatha -DRX a 09 22- male EX1 CAP PR.JPG DRX DRX 33a 55 DR Devon Rex
Don Sphynx Don Enzo Serbrny by Hans.jpg DSP DSX - 81 DH "Naked" breed of cats, Donskoy
European shorthair European shorthair portrait Quincy.jpg EUR KKH - 40 - Also abbreviated as EKH. At the WCF Keltisch Kurzhaar . Breeding form of the European house cat
Exotic Shorthair Cream tabby exotic cat.jpg EXO EXO 70 03 IT Exotic no German name usual, short-haired variant of the Persian cat
Foldex - - - - - Exotic fold cat
Foreign White Oriental Shorthair Blue Eyed White cat (juvenile) .jpg SIA - 35 OS White Siamese or Oriental Shorthair, white with deep blue eyes
German Rex German rex mimosa.JPG GRX GRX - 56 -
Havana Oriental Shorthair cat Brandi.jpg - - 29 60 HB Havana Brown Oriental shorthair in brown
Japanese Bobtail Shorthair JapaneseBobtailBlueEyedMi-ke.JPG JBT JBT - 58 JB Japanese bobtail
Kanaani Kanaani like Cat Tufted Ear-My Cat Cirmos.JPG - KAN - 66 - Hybrid breed of black cat (Felis silvestris lybica) and house cat as well as oriental shorthair, Abyssinian and Bengal cats
Khao Manee Khao manee.JPG - - - - - White cat from Thailand
Korat Veda, chat-adulte-mâle-race-korat.JPG COR COR 34 49 KT Korat
Kuril Bobtail Kurilian bobtail.JPG KBS KBS - 85 KB
La Perm Shorthair Laperm LH blacktabby white.jpg - - 80S 79, 80 LS LaPerm
Manx Female Manx cat.jpg MAN - 25th 61-65 MX Manx
Mekong Bobtail - - - - At the WCF in the Siam and OKH group
Minskin - - - - MS
Munchkin Shorthair Munchkinshorthaired.jpg - - - 68 MK
Ocicat Ocicat-sitting.jpg OCI OCI 73 74 OC Ocicat
Ojos Azules - - - 43 OA
Oregon Rex - - - - - extinct
Oriental shorthair Orientalshorthairs2.jpg OSH OKH 29, 35, 37, 38, 41-45 70 OS Oriental
Peterbald Peterbald male Shango by Irina Polunina.jpg - PBD - 86 PD "Naked" cat breed, at the WCF in the group Siam and OKH
Pixiebob Shorthair Uptoyou duFarWestwithBePacific2.jpg - - - 84 PB
Russian blue Russian Blue 001.gif RUS RUS 16a 44 RB Russian Blue
safari - - - - - Hybrid breed of small spotted cat (salt cat, rarely also called Geoffroy cat, Leopardus geoffroyi or Oncifelis geoffroyi) and house cat
Savannah - - - - SV Hybrid breed of serval and domestic cat
Scottish Fold Shorthair Scottishfold.jpg - SFS - 42 SF Scottish Fold
Selkirk Rex Shorthair Selkirk Rex.jpg - SRX 79 83, 87 SR Selkirk Rex
Serengeti Serengeti.jpg - - - - SE Mixed breed of bengal cat and oriental shorthair
Seychellois Shorthair Seychellois cat (female 6 months) .JPG SYS - - 78 -
Siam Siam lilacpoint.jpg SIA SIA 24, 32 71 SI Siamese
Singapura Raffles Singapore Cat.jpg - SIN 77 76 SG Singapura
Snowshoe Cat-heiki bed1.jpg SNO - 83 59 SN
Sokoke Sokoke dalili.jpg SOK - - 77 SO
Sphynx Adult Female Sphynx (Suki) .jpg SPH SPH - 57 SX Sphynx "Naked" breed of cats
Thai Mimbi3.JPG - THA - 69 TH
Tonkanese Blue-mink.JPG - VOLUME 74 72 TO Tonkinese Tonkinese is also used in many associations
Toyger Toyger - Cornish Rex presentation show Riihimäki 2008-11-16 IMG 0101.JPG - - - - TG Mixed breed of Bengal cat and house cat
Ural Rex - URX - - -

Semi-longhair cats

designation image FIFe WCF GCCF WACC TICA CFA complement
American Bobtail Longhair Bobtail Tabby Cat MISSI WITH BABY -1996.jpg - - - - BB American bobtail
American Curl Longhair American curl.jpg ACL ACL - 19th AL American curl
Balinese Balinese blue lynx point.jpg BAL BAL 61 21st BA Balinese Siamese longhair
British Longhair (Highlander) British Longhair - Black Silver Shaded.jpg - BLH - - BL
Burma Birmanstrofe.jpg SBI SBI 13c 10 BI Birman Holy Burma, (Sacré de Birmanie, hence SBI)
Bohemian Rex - - - - -
Chantilly - - - 22nd - Chantilly / Tiffany, Foreign Longhair. Not the same as the Tiffanie.
Cymric Stamps of Azerbaijan, 1995-359.jpg CYM - - 26-30 CY Manx long hair
German longhaired hair Germanlonghairedcatcrystal.jpg - DLH - - - European longhair, formerly also called German Angora
Javanese Javanese cat.jpg - - - 20th OIL Oriental longhair, mandarin
Japanese Bobtail Longhair Japanese Bobtail walking.JPG JBT JBT - 58 JL Japanese bobtail
Karelian Bobtail Longhair - - KAB - - -
Kuril Bobtail Kurilian bobtail.JPG KBL KBL - 32 KL
La Perm Longhair Laperm LH blacktabby white.jpg - - 80L 34, 37 LP LaPerm
Maine Coon Young Maine Coon Male.jpg MCO MCO 65 14th MC Maine Coon
Mandarin Javanese cat.jpg - - - - OIL Oriental longhair, Javanese
Munchkin Longhair Longhairedmunchkin.jpg - - - 39 ML
Nebelung Nebelung Male, Aleksandr van Song de Chine.JPG NEB NEB - 38 NB
Neva Masquarade Linusnevamasquarade.jpg NEM SIB 82 25th SB partly as a Siberian cat with mask drawing, partly as an independent breed
Norwegian forest cat Black and white Norwegian Forest Cat.jpg NFO NFO 64 13 NF Norwegian Forest Cat
Ojos Azules long hair - - - - OJ
Oriental longhair Oriental Longhair (Javanese, Mandarin), Red Classic Tabby.jpg OLH OSL 62 - OIL Oriental Javanese, Mandarin, British Angora, Angora
Pixiebob Longhair Pantanal Pixie Bob 2.jpg - - - - PL
RagaMuffin 20050922AmarilloRes.jpg - RGM - - - Ragamuffin
Ragdoll Ragdoll, blue mitted.JPG RAG RAG 66 16, 17 RD Ragdoll
Scottish Fold Longhair Scottishfold.jpg - SFL - 24 SS Scottish Fold Highland Fold, Coupari
Selkirk Rex Longhair Selkirk Rex.jpg - SRX 79 35, 36 SL Selkirk Rex
Seychellois Longhair Seychellois longhair-nummela Cat Show.JPG SYL - - 08 -
Siberian cat Siberian-Cat-Omega-1.jpg SIB SIB 82 25th SB Siberian
Somali Blue Somali kitten age 3 months.jpg SOM SOM 63 15th SO Somali Abyssinian semi-long hair
Snowshoe longhair Cat-heiki bed1.jpg - - - 31 -
Tibetans - - - 33 - Tonkanese Longhair, Burmalayan, Himbur, Iranese, Layanese, Mink Longhair, Mink Persian, Silkanese, Tonkalayan
Tiffanie Tiffanie at cat show.jpg - - 68 - - Asian longhair. Not the same as the Chantilly.
Turkish Angora Turkse angora.jpg TUA TUA 62 12 TA Turkish Angora
Turkish Van Turkish Van Example2.jpg TUV TUV 13d 11 TV Turkish Van
Turkish Vankedisi Turkish Van Cat.jpg - - 13w - TV White Van Cat
Ural Rex longhair - Url - - -

Longhair cats

designation image FIFe WCF GCCF WACC TICA CFA complement
Angora cat Jean-Jacques Bachelier (Un chat Angola) .jpg - - - - - Historic white long-haired cat from the 17th - 20th centuries
Carthusian cat Carthusian Cat 1896, Jean Bungartz.jpg - - - - - Historical dark blue-gray long-haired cat from the 17th - 20th centuries
Maltese cat Maltese Cat.Angora Cat.1898.jpg - - - - - Historical light blue-gray long-haired cat from the 17th - 20th centuries, breeding of images since 2012
Persian Robin 1 optimal size.jpg BY BY 1-13, 50-55 01 PS Persian
Exotic longhair - - - - - Have Exotic Shorthair in their pedigree
Colourpoint TCA Himalayan cat - side.jpg - BY 13b1-13b20 01 HI Himalayan
Non Pointed Himalayan Robin 1 optimal size.jpg - BY - - - Carry the recessive gene for mask drawing

See also

Web links

European organizations

American organizations
