Ni Zan

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Autumn wind in gem trees
Water and bamboo housing

Ni Zan (倪 瓚; Pinyin: Ní Zàn; Wade – Giles: Ni Tsan; * 1301 or 1306 ; † 1374 ) was a Chinese monk painter from Wuxi ( Jiangsu ).


Together with Huang Gongwang (1269–1354), Wu Zhen (1280–1354), Wang Meng († 1385), Ní Zàn is one of the “four masters” of landscape painting of the Yüan period (元 四 家 Yuánsìjiā). Starting from the old masters, they developed new angles and perspectives, drafts in the image structure and variations of a freer line technique.

Ni Zan says about his painting: "My bamboo painting is an image of the creative spirit in my heart."

Ni Zan's principle is to show the multitude of things with sparse lines and few colors. He did not strive to accurately reproduce a character. What interested him was his impression of an object. A blurry one can be more vivid than a realistic one. Ni Zan's landscapes are therefore uncomplicated with little color and no figures. In addition, Ni Zan has painted the same Chinese landscape all his life.


His poetic works are included in the collection Ní Yúnlíntáng xiānsheng shījí (倪云林 堂 先生 诗集). A famous print from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty was reproduced in the Sibu Congkan book series . This also includes the work Yúnlíntáng yǐnshí zhìdù jí云林 堂 飲食 制度 集 [Collection of Dietetic Systems from the Cloud Forest Studio], an important source for the history of Chinese eating and drinking culture.


  • Cihai , Shanghai 1999, ISBN 7-5326-0839-5 .
  • Arthur Waley, An Introduction to the Study of Chinese Painting , London 1923.

Web links

Commons : Ni Zan  - collection of images, videos and audio files