Nicola Mastroberardino

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Nicola Mastroberardino (* 1978 in Zurich ) is an Italian-Swiss theater and film actor.


Mastroberardino attended high school and from 2000 to 2004 the drama school in Zurich . His first engagement took him from 2005 to 2010 at the Grillo-Theater Essen, followed by a theater engagement in Bochum from 2010 to 2015. From 2015 to 2019 he was a member of the ensemble at the Theater Basel . He has been engaged at the Residenztheater Munich since the 2019/20 season .



  • 2008: “Aalto stage award for young artists” from the Friends of the Theater and Philharmonic Essen GmbH
  • 2009: Berlin Art Prize of the Academy of Arts Promotion Prize in the Performing Arts section
  • 2013: Bochum Theater Prize
  • 2015: Nestroy Theater Prize for Angels in America
  • 2017: Three sisters at the Berlin Theatertreffen
  • 2017: Three sisters piece of the year
  • 2018: Woyzeck at the Berlin Theatertreffen
  • 2019: Tartuffe or the wise men’s pig at the Berlin Theatertreffen
  • 2020: Kurt Meisel Prize

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