Nicolas Joly

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Nicolas Joly (born July 11, 1812 in Toul , † October 17, 1885 in Toulouse ) was a French zoologist .


Joly had a degree (agrégation) in science and was a professor at the Lyceum in Montpellier . In 1840 he received his doctorate in natural science and in 1851 in medicine. In 1840 he became a lecturer (Chargé du Cours) and in 1843 a professor of zoology at the Faculté des Sciences in Toulouse (later the university) and the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (École de médecine et de pharmacie). In 1878 he retired.

He dealt with experimental physiology and zoology and published on various zoological topics (such as the acclimatization of llama and alpaca from Peru in the Pyrenees or feelings in animals) and also on anthropology (prehistoric man). He is known as an opponent of Louis Pasteur (as a partisan of Félix Archimède Pouchet and with his student Charles Musset) in the discussion about the spontaneous generation of life. Pasteur had written an award-winning essay by the French Academy of Sciences in 1862, in which the theory of the spontaneous generation of life was refuted (which also became the official standpoint of the academy). According to Pasteur, life only came from other life ( germ theory ). Joly still criticized Pasteur in an essay in 1863 after the academy's decision.

In 1875 he became a corresponding member of the Académie des Sciences .

Joly has also served on Toulouse City Council several times. In 1865 he became a Knight of the Legion of Honor .

Nicolas Joly was the first to describe the conchostraken genus Isaura JOLY in 1841.


  • with A. Lavocat: Études d'anatomie philosophique sur la main et le pied de l'homme et sur les extrémités des mammifères ramenées au type pentadactyle 1853
  • Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Étienne), Paris 1856
  • Examen critique du mémoire de M. Pasteur relatif aux générations spontanées, et couronné par l'Académie des sciences de Paris, dans sa séance du 29 December 1862, Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de Toulouse, 1863.
  • Note sur les progrès de l'hétérogénie au seine même de l'Institut de France, de l'Académie impériale de médecine de Paris, de l'Institut royal lombard, etc.: nouveaux faits confirmatifs en faveur de la génération spontanée, Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de Toulouse, 1868.
  • Haute antiquité du genre humain: discours prononcé à la séance publique de l'Académie impériale des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse, Toulouse, 1869.
  • Etudes de psychologie comparée. Sentiments et passions chez les animaux. Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de Toulouse, 1884.
  • L'homme avant les métaux, Paris: Alcan 1885
    • English translation: Man before metals, New York: Appleton 1897, Archives

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biography at the city archives of Toulouse
  2. Biography at the cths
  3. Peter Bahn, The nature of the origin of life problem, in: Joseph Seckbach, Richard Gordon, Divine Action and Natural Selection: Science, Faith and Evolution, World Scientific 2009, p. 260