Nicolaus von Wirén

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Nicolaus von Wirén (born September 15, 1962 in Trollhättan , Sweden) is a German agricultural biologist. He is head of the Department of Physiology and Cell Biology at the Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben and is one of the founding members of the ScienceCampus Halle , in addition, he is chairman of the German Society for Plant Nutrition .


After graduating from high school in Reutlingen , Nicolaus von Wirén studied agricultural biology at the University of Hohenheim and received his doctorate in 1994 from the Institute for Plant Nutrition on iron mobilization strategies in crops. Supported by a scholarship from the Japanese Foreign Ministry, he used a one-year research stay at the University of Tokyo , Japan, in 1992 to learn molecular biological methods before going to the INRA / CNRS Montpellier, France with an EMBO and Alexander von Lynen scholarship in 1995 to study biochemical research To study aspects of iron uptake by plants.

He then spent two months at King's College London to study the processes of iron complex formation. In 1996, he initially took on an assistant position at the Botanical Institute of the University of Tübingen before establishing an independent working group at the Center for Molecular Biology of Plants (ZMBP) there in 1999, which was primarily dedicated to the identification and characterization of plant ammonium and urea transporters.

After completing his habilitation in plant physiology at the University of Tübingen, he accepted a position at the University of Hohenheim in 2001, where he took over the chair for plant nutrition. In 2005 he spent a research semester at the Australian Center for Plant Functional Genomics in Adelaide , Australia. In April 2009 he moved to the IPK Gatersleben, where he heads a working group on “Molecular Plant Nutrition”.

In his research, his main interests are the mechanisms and regulation of nutrient uptake via the roots, the morphogenetic effect of plant nutrients and plant mechanisms of nutrient efficiency.

Memberships and engagements



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cell biology in the IPG Gattersleben
  2. Nicolaus von Wiren on the F1000 website
  3. Board of the German Society for Plant Nutrition ( Memento of the original from January 9, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.xn--