Nikolai Alexandrovich Prileschajew

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Nikolai Alexandrovich Prileschajew , Russian Николай Александрович Прилежаев , English transcription Nikolai Aleksandrovich Prilezhaev, (born September 15, jul. / 27. September  1877 greg. In Kopossewo in Nizhny Novgorod , † 26 May 1944 in Moscow ) was a Russian chemist ( Organic Chemistry ). The Prileschajew reaction for the production of epoxides from alkenes with peroxycarboxylic acids is named after him.

Prileschajew was the son of a clergyman and studied first also at the Theological Seminary (graduation in 1895) and then at the University of Warsaw chemistry. After graduation in 1900 he was assistant for organic chemistry at the Polytechnic in Warsaw (where he belonged to the school of the organic chemist Yegor Jegorowitsch Wagner ) and after his master’s degree in St. Petersburg in 1912 he became associate professor for organic chemistry at the University of Warsaw. In 1915 he became a professor at the Polytechnic in Kiev and in 1924 at the University of Minsk . There he built up the Faculty of Chemistry and was director of the Institute of Chemistry at the Belarusian Academy of Sciences from 1931 to 1933.

He dealt with oxidation processes in general and followed Russian chemists like Alexei Nikolajewitsch Bach (mechanisms of oxidation via peroxides ), for example in the study of organic peroxides in interaction with unsaturated compounds. He discovered the reaction named after him in 1908 and in the following decades he dealt with it and its intermediate and end products.

He was a corresponding member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1933) and a member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (1940). In 1912 he received the Butlerow Prize.


Individual evidence

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

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