Nikolai Christakiev Pavlovich

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Nikolai Christakiev Pavlovich, self-portrait

Nikolai Christakiew Pawlowitsch ( Bulgarian Николай Христакиев Павлович , born December 9, 1835 in Swishtov , † February 3, 1894 in Sofia ) was a Bulgarian painter.


Pavlovich studied from 1852 to 1855 at the Art Academy in Vienna and from 1856 to 1859 in Munich . He suggested the establishment of the painting school in Sofia, from which the National Art Academy of Bulgaria emerged.

He advocated a reform of iconography and painted icons in a realistic style. In addition, created many pictures whose motifs deal with historical topics. Pavlovich is considered a representative of the Bulgarian Revival and painted around 50 portraits of people from this period. He also illustrated books, including the book Some words about Assen I ... by Georgi Rakowski and the Meteorological Atlas by Petar Beron in 1860 .

Works (selection)

  • Asparuch crosses the Danube , 1867–1869
  • Acceptance of Christianity by the Bulgarian Cahn Boris I in Pliska , 1871–1875
  • Lady with a collar


Web links

Commons : Nikolai Christakiev Pavlovich  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files