Nicholas Moir

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Nikolaus Moir ( Nikolaus Mors ) (* around 1450 in Ediger-Eller ; † after 1518 in Linz am Rhein ) was a German Cistercian - monk and prior in Linz am Rhein.


After studying at Heidelberg University in 1494, he went to the St. Katharinen monastery on the Linzer Höhe in 1500 as a monk of the Cistercian abbey of the Himmerod monastery . After being accepted into the monastery as the new prior, he met 4 priests there. From them he received the power to accept novices for the probationary year and to prepare for their profession .

In 1518 he enlarged the monastery property by buying a house worth 10 gold guilders . He then bought the Schweifeld farm on the pilgrimage route between the Oberpleis provost and St. Katharinen monastery for 75 gold florins . He was always careful to swap the scattered parcels for those near the monastery. In order to obtain the exemption of the tithe in the case of unjustified claims , he appealed several times to the courts, among other things. a. even when the opposing party was Heisterbach Monastery .


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