Nils Niklasson

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Nils Herman Niklasson (born January 20, 1890 in Gothenburg , † September 15, 1966 there ) was a Swedish prehistorian .


Nils Niklasson came from Gothenburg and studied from 1909 first in his hometown and later in Stockholm . In 1916 he had the opportunity to take up a position at the Provincial Museum in Halle (Saale) . Due to the First World War , most of the employees of the museum, which was only built in 1913, had been called up for military service. An agreement between the museum director Hans Hahne and the Swedish imperial antiquarian Oscar Montelius meant that several young Swedish scientists were to work temporarily in Halle. In contrast to his colleagues, Niklasson stayed in Halle for a long time and began studying at the University of Halle , where Hans Hahne had held a chair for prehistory since May 1918. 1924 doctorate Niklasson on the Walternienburg-Bernburger ceramics and its importance for the chronology of the Neolithic Age in central Germany . In the following years he worked as a research assistant at the Provincial Museum in Halle. He led numerous excavations and their processing. In terms of time, his field of work ranged from the Paleolithic ( e.g. the Breitenbach site ) to the high Middle Ages ( e.g. Hagenrode Monastery ), although his main focus was on the Neolithic . His excavations at the Salzmünde earthworks deserve special mention, the material found in 1938 leading to the first description of the Salzmünd culture by Paul Grimm and in 2007 to the first description of the Schiepziger group by Dieter Kaufmann .

In 1929 Niklasson returned to Sweden and took over the management of the Archaeological Museum in Gothenburg. He also worked as secretary of the antiquities association of the provinces of Gothenburg and Bohuslän and as editor of the association magazine Göteborgs och Bohusläns Fornminnesförenings Tidskrift . In 1957 Niklasson retired, but continued to work in science until shortly before his death.

Niklasson was a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute from 1936 and of the Prehistoric Society of Great Britain from 1937 .


  • Studies on the Walternienburg-Bernburg Culture I (1925, online )
  • With Johan Alin and H. Thomasson: Stenåldersboplatsen på Sandarna vid Göteborg (1934)
  • Rörby. En mellanneolitisk boplats i Tossene sn, Bohuslän (1962)
  • Bua i Morlanda. En mellanneolitisk boplats på Orust (1962)
  • Hensbacka. En mesolitisk boplats i Foss sn, Bohuslän (1965)
  • Gottskär. En stenåldersboplats in Onsala socken, Halland (1973)


  • Åsa Gillberg : En plats i historien. Nils Niklassons liv och arbete (= Gotarc. Series B. Volume 18). Göteborgs Univ., Inst. För Arkeologi, Göteborg 2001, ISBN 91-85952-59-1 .
  • Walther Schulz : Obituary Nils Niklasson. In: Annual publication for Central German prehistory. Volume 52, 1968, pp. 357-359.

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