Nissim of Gerona

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Nissim ben Reuben Gerondi (ניסים בן ראובן גרונדי), known by the acronym RaN (ר"ן), (* around 1310 probably in Gerona ; † 1376 in Barcelona ), was one of the most important Spanish Talmudists of the Middle Ages.

Nissim's family came from Cordoba and settled first in Gerona, then in Barcelona, ​​which became his permanent residence. Although he fulfilled all the functions of rabbi and judge in his community , he never held the official position of rabbi. His reputation as a halachic authority was so great that he received requests from the Holy Land and Syria . He also served as a doctor at the royal court. He was imprisoned for some time for a slander, the date and cause of which are unknown. In 1336 he wrote a Torah scroll for his own usewho became famous and served as a model. She changed location several times until she finally reached Tiberias . Nissim's most important teacher, apart from his father, was Perez ha-Kohen, whom he supported in his appointment as Rabbi of Barcelona after 1349. His most important activity in his community was apparently the direction of the yeshiva in Barcelona.

Its importance is mainly based on its halachic works. His system is based on the learning tradition he acquired in the school of Nachmanides , Solomon Adret , Aharon ha-Levi from Barcelona and their contemporaries. He commented on the summary of the Talmud by Isaac Alfasi . His best-known work is a commentary on the Talmud tractate Nedarim . It is published in all editions of the Talmud and serves as the standard commentary on this tract, in lieu of that of Rashi .


  • Encyclopedia Judaica . Volume 12, pp. 1185-1186.
  • A. Sáenz-Badillos; J. Targarona Borrás: Diccionario de autores judios (Sefarad. Siglos X-XV). Estudios de Cultura Hebrea 10. Córdoba 1988, p. 82.