Nolana onoana

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Nolana onoana
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Nolana
Type : Nolana onoana
Scientific name
Nolana onoana
MODillon & M.Nakaz.

Nolana onoana is a plant type from the genus Nolana . It is known from only a few locations in the Loma formations of Chile .


Vegetative characteristics

Nolana onoana is up to 1 meter tall, one-year , herbaceous plant having a taproot forms. The stems are upright to ascending, but can also be prostrate if they are heavily leafed. The leaves are sessile, simple and are in clusters. The leaf blade is linear to narrow, lanceolate, with entire margins, strongly bent back and round. It is densely hairy with strong, stalked and glandular trichomes .

Inflorescences and flowers

The flowers are sessile and single in the crowded upper leaf axils. The calyx is narrow, bell-shaped, 5 to 7 millimeters long, of which the corolla tube makes up about 3 to 5 millimeters. The diameter of the calyx tube is about 5 millimeters. The calyx tube is covered with five lanceolate, 2 to 3 millimeter long and 1 millimeter wide calyx lobes of the same shape. The crown is narrow, funnel-shaped, 18 to 24 millimeters long and 8 to 12 millimeters in diameter. It is colored lavender to light blue. The crown is five-lobed, the lobes are unevenly shaped, making the crown clearly zygomorphic . The largest of the corolla lobes is 3 to 4 millimeters long and 3 to 4 millimeters wide and rounded to blunt in shape.

The five stamens do not protrude beyond the crown. Three of them are longer than the other two. The ovary consists of five ovary compartments, is hairless, at the base there are nectaries . The stylus does not protrude beyond the crown, it has a head-shaped, green scar .

Fruits and seeds

The fruit consists of six to seven round partial fruits with a diameter of 2 to 3 millimeters each.

Distribution, locations and ecology

The species is known from some locations in the northern Atacama Desert in the Región de Antofagasta ( Chile ). The locations are in a strip over 100 kilometers long that begins north of Antofagasta and ends south of Tocopilla . The location of the type specimen is about 32 kilometers south of Antofagasta. Moisture from El Niño precipitation accumulated there for several months in 1988 , but by October the ground had dried out and cracked again. In later years specimens were found just west of this location. The locations are about 20 kilometers east of the areas affected by the coastal fog.

Botanical history

The species was described in 2007 by Michael Dillon and Miyuki Nakazawa . The art epithet honors the former professor of botany and head of the Makino Herbarium at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Mikio Ono . Ono was the first collector of its kind and dealt with the ecology and distribution of the Loma formations .


  • Michael O. Dillon, Gina Arancio and Federico Luebert: Five new species of Nolana (Solanaceae-Nolaneae) from Chile . In: Arnaldoa , Volume 14, Number 2, 2007. Pages 191-212.