Norbert Reich

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Norbert Reich (born September 9, 1937 in Berlin ; † October 17, 2015 in Hamburg ) was a German legal scholar .

life and work

Norbert Reich began his doctorate in 1962 at the Law Faculty of the University of Frankfurt am Main , which he completed in 1966 with a dissertation on Sociological Jurisprudence and legal realism in American legal thought . In the meantime he worked as a speaker at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main . During two study visits - 1968 and 1971 - at the Lomonossow University in Moscow, he deepened his research on socialist and Marxist legal theory, on which he published several publications. After his research stays, he successfully completed his subsequent habilitation in Socialism and Civil Law - a legal-theoretical and legal-historical study of civil law theory and the practice of codification in the Soviet social and legal system . In the same year, he was appointed full professor at the Hamburg University of Economics and Politics . In 1978 he accepted an appointment at the University of Hamburg and in 1982 moved to the University of Bremen where he taught until 2005. In the meantime he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Helsinki in 2000 . From 2001 to 2004 he was the rector of the Riga Graduate School of Law . In 2001/2001 he was President of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) and the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law . His other research interests include consumer protection rights, civil rights and legal European integration.

List of publications (selection)

  • Reich, Norbert (Ed.): Marxist and socialist legal theory, Frankfurt am Main 1972
  • Reich, Norbert: Marxist legal theory, Tübingen 1973
  • Reich, Norbert and Reichel, Hans-Christian : Introduction to Socialist Law: Fundamentals, Basic Problems, System, Sources, Legal Education, Legal Realization, Munich 1975
  • Reich, Norbert and Micklitz, Hans W .: European Consumer Law, Baden-Baden 2003
  • Reich, Norbert: Individual and collective legal protection in EU consumer law: from "nationalization" to "constitutionalization" of legal remedies, Baden-Baden 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary in FAZ No. 253 of October 31, 2015, p. 8 ( online )
  2. ^ Obituary: The Law Faculty is in mourning. In: October 26, 2015, accessed January 29, 2017.