Number not jumped

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Original title No jump ... but enough huh!
Country of production Switzerland
original language Swiss German
Publishing year 1935
length 69 minutes
Director Paul Schmid
script Paul Schmid, based on an idea by H. Schwengeler
production Paul Schmid Filmproduktion, Bern
camera Otto Ritter
cut Paul Schmid

No jump , full title: "No jump ... but enough huh!" is the title of a Swiss dialect film that Paul Schmid made in 1935 with actors from the Bernese Volksbühnen. The cameraman was Otto Ritter . The sound film, spoken in Bern German, has a running time of 69 minutes.

The location of the film is Bäriswil , where a farm boy secures the love of a domestic worker by winning a competition on a cow against a circus artist.

The title was given by the Bernese phrase «Hü! Nume not jumped, but go e chly hü! ", Which corresponds to" hurry with a while! " or «Don't rush anything, but don't let your goal out of sight». There is also a folk song with this refrain.

Movie poster

A film poster with the inscription "Nume nid gsprickt - Ein Schweizer Dialektfilm, Prod. Paul Schmid, Bern" shows a man riding a cow in rodeo style , his hat flying off his head; the announcement:

«First big sound film, spoken in Bernese German. The original and really cozy plot is performed by best-known actors from the Bernese Volksbühnen. Only one demonstration next Saturday, February 15, 1936, at 8:45 in the evening in the Münsingen gymnasium. Entry Fr. 1.20 and 1.50. »


  • Felix Aeppli: Filmography of Switzerland, 1929–1939. Online ( Memento from August 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ).
  • Freddy Buache: Switzerland is discovering the cinema . (Foreword p. 2, / Film No. 115, p. 188).
  • Hervé Dumont; [Publisher: Freddy Buache]: History of Swiss Film. Feature films 1896–1965. Swiss Film Archive / Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne 1987.
  • Michael Gautier: Schmid, Paul. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Adrian Leemann: The magic of Bern German. In: Weltwoche , edition 27/2014.
  • Manuela Nipp: Article Otto Ritter. In: Personenlexikon.BL .
  • Hans Sommer: About language change and language maintenance. A. Francke Verlag, Bern 1945.
  • Werner Wider, Felix Aeppli: The Swiss Film 1929–1964. Switzerland as a ritual. Volume 2: Materials. Limmat Verlag, Zurich 1981, ISBN 3-85791-034-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. According to: Werner Wider, Felix Aeppli: Der Schweizer Film 1929–1964. Switzerland as a ritual. Volume 2: Materials. Limmat Verlag, Zurich 1981, ISBN 3-85791-034-8 , p. 312. For [Arnold] H. Schwengeler see Franziska Schönauer: Schwengeler, Arnold Hans. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . and Schwengeler, Arnold Hans at
  2. ^ For example, Felix Aeppli: Filmographie der Schweiz, 1929–1939.
  3. ^ According to Wider / Aeppli: Der Schweizer Film 1929–1964. Vol. 2, p. 313, participated: Members of the Zytglogge-Gesellschaft Bern, the Bernese Heimatschutztheater and the Berner Daheim-Chörlis.
  4. Manuela Nipp: Article Otto Ritter. In: Personenlexikon.BL.
  5. ^ Wider / Aeppli: The Swiss Film 1929–1964. Vol. 2, p. 313.
  6. Sommer p. 75, and
  7. See Ernst Krebs : Nume nid gsprickt. Waltz: Schwyzerörgeli. Accordion Music Edition, R. Krebs + M. Fink, Lyss 1985 - Adolf Stähli : The most beautiful duet songs. CD, released in 1994 by Phonag Records AG, here track 2
  8. Duden - German Universal Dictionary. Bibliographisches Institut GmbH, p. 1222: "mords- (coll. Emotionally reinforcing) expresses reinforcement in adjectives: very (mordsfidel, mordgemütlich)"
  9. Photo by Sarah Pfister / Hans Maurer: Ortsgeschichte Münsingen (PDF) , Fig. 12, p. 231