Nuno Craveiro Lopes

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Nuno Craveiro Lopes

Nuno Craveiro Lopes (* 1921 in Lisbon , Portugal , † 1972 in Lourenço Marques , Portuguese East Africa ) was a Portuguese architect and distinguished himself for some well-known buildings in the Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique. He is the son of the Air Force General and later President of Portugal, Francisco Craveiro Lopes .


Nuno Craveiro Lopes was born in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon in 1921. His father, Francisco Craveiro Lopes , was an Air Force General and later President, his mother's name was Berta da Costa Ribeiro Artur. After finishing school, Lopes completed his military service at the Air Force School in Sintra .

After his military service, Lopes studied architecture at the Escola de Belas-Artes in Lisbon until 1945. As part of his studies, Lopes joined the "MUD Junevil", the youth organization of the Movimento de Unidade Democrática (MUD). Among those taking part were Francisco Castro Rodrigues , José Dias Coelho , João Abel Manta , José Lima de Freitas , Jorge Ricardo Vieira , Bartolomeu Cid dos Santos , Tomaz de Figueiredo and Raúl Hestnes Ferreira . After Prime Minister Salazar had the organization banned in 1947/48, some of the activists were imprisoned (including the prison of Caxias ). Lopes organized demonstrations and a signature campaign against the arrests.

After completing his studies, Lopes worked as a freelance architect for some time and designed, among other things, several buildings in Lisbon, including a building complex on Avenida do Brasil , opposite the Júlio de Matos Hospital . Like many other architects at the time, he moved to the Portuguese colonies in the early 1950s to be able to work there. In 1952 he was appointed head of the urbanization department in the colonial administration for public buildings in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique. His most distinctive work is the Igreja de Santo António da Polana in what is now Maputo, which Craveiro Lopes designed for the parish in 1962. In particular, the circular shape and the roof structure of the church shape the architectural landscape of the Mozambican capital.

Lopes was married to Helena Albertina da Silveira Pinto da França. Lopes died after an illness in 1972 in Lourenço Marques, the capital of the colony of Mozambique (Portuguese East Africa).

Works (selection)

Igreja de Santo António da Polana in Maputo , Mozambique (built in 1962; photo from 2009)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Anouk Costa, Tiagou Lourenço and Manuel Freitas: Igreja de Santo António Polana / Igreja da Polana. In: Sistema de Informação para o Património Arquitectónico (SIPA). 2011, accessed December 22, 2017 (Portuguese).