Meppen High Court

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The Meppen Higher Court (officially: Königlich-Hannoversches and Herzoglich-Arenberg'sches Gesammt-Obergericht ) was a large higher court in the Kingdom of Hanover . It had its seat in Meppen in Lower Saxony .

After the revolution of 1848 was the Kingdom of Hanover , the jurisdiction of the administration separated and the patrimonial abolished.

However, the rights of the Duke of Arenberg-Meppen as a registrar continued to exist. The full name of the court was therefore "Königlich-Hannoversches and Herzoglich-Arenberg'sches Gesamt-Obergericht". The previous royal ducal-Arenbergische Justiz-Kanzley zu Haselünne , i.e. the middle court of the duchy, had been repealed.

On October 1, 1852, 12 major and 4 minor higher courts were established as courts of second instance (comparable to today's regional courts ), including the higher court in Meppen.

The following local courts were subordinate to the Meppen Higher Court :

With the annexation of Hanover by Prussia in 1866, it became a Prussian higher court ("Royal Prussian and Herzoglich-Arenberg'sches Gesammt-Obergericht"). In 1875 the court was overturned and the judicial district was added to the Osnabrück Higher Court . This also meant that the duke's privileges under civil status no longer existed.


From 1854 to 1856, the new building of the upper court was built on today's Obergerichtsstrasse. The building had a spacious architecture that shaped the cityscape. In 1973 it was demolished.


  • Dr. Heinrich August Bezin , Higher Court Director
  • Laurenz Bödiker , Vice Director of the Supreme Court (*)
  • Mar. Vict. Ant. Frye, Senior Judge (*)
  • Ludwig Arn. Meier, senior judge
  • Ant. Niehaus, Senior Judge (*)
  • Joseph Schönigh, Senior Judge (*)
  • Joh. Wilhelm Gerhard Henschen, senior judge
  • Seo. Theod. Wedekond, senior judge
  • Heinrich Russell, Senior Judge (*)
  • Franz Friedrich Wilhelm Aler. Vorhauer, senior judge
  • Philipp Panse, senior judge
  • Gottlieb Planck , senior judge from 1863
  • Friedrich Heinrich Philipp Bergmann, senior judge

(* = appointed by the Duke)

Individual evidence

  1. Law on the court constitution of November 8, 1850 ( Collection of Laws for the Kingdom of Hanover, p. 207 )
  2. Directory of the higher courts, annex to the ordinance for the implementation of §§ 14.15 and 35 of the law on the court constitution of November 8, 1850 of August 7, 1852, printed in: Gerhard Adolf Wilhelm Leonhardt: Die Justizgesetzgebung des Kingdom of Hanover: under special Consideration of government and class motives for practical use, Volume 3, 1852, p. 135 online
  3. Hanoverian legislation on state and municipal administration, 1852, p. 32 ff. Online
  4. History of the Meppen District Court
  5. ^ Court and State Handbook for the Kingdom of Hanover, 1859, p. 303, online
  6. ^ Court and State Handbook for the Kingdom of Hanover, 1859, p. 288, online
  7. ^ Court and State Handbook for the Kingdom of Hanover, 1865, pp. 323-324, online