Odet de Turnèbe

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Odet de Turnèbe (born October 23, 1552 , † July 20, 1581 in Paris ) was a French writer.

life and work


Odet de Turnèbe, son of the humanist scholar Adrianus Turnebus (1512–1565), was already completing works at the age of 14 that his father had left unfinished and was considered a child prodigy. He studied law in Toulouse and became a lawyer at the Paris Parlement . At a young age he headed the political institution Cour des monnaies de Paris . He died of a sudden fever at the age of 28.

The work: Les Contents

Odet de Turnèbe was a regular in the literary salon of Madeleine and Catherine Des Roches . He is known for a single work, the play Les Contents (The Satisfied), written shortly before his death and published posthumously in 1584 , which has been described as the best comedy of the French Renaissance. According to the judgment of Robert Aulotte and Frank Lestringant (* 1951), the language has a liveliness and naturalness that is unique in time. The material borrows from Jacques Grévin , Girolamo Parabosco and La Celestina , as well as L'Alessandro . The model was the "commedia erudita" by Plautus or Terenz .


  • Les Contens , critical ed. by Norman B. Spector (1921-1986). Didier, Paris 1961, 1964.


  • Robert Aulotte: La Comédie française de la Renaissance et son chef-d'œuvre: "Les Contens" d'Odet de Turnèbe . SEDES, Paris 1984.
  • Géralde Nakam: "A propos des Contens d'Odet de Turnèbe". In: Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance 17, 1983, pp. 113-120.
  • Norman B. Spector: "Odet de Turnèbe's Les Contens and the Italian Comedy". In: French Studies 13, 1959, pp. 304-313.

Manual literature

  • Frank Lestringant, "Odet de Turnèbe", in: Dictionnaire des écrivains de langue française , ed. by Jean-Pierre Beaumarchais, Daniel Couty and Alain Rey, Paris, Larousse, 2001, pp. 1900–1901.

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