Office of Intelligence and Analysis (US Department of Homeland Security)

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Office of Intelligence and Analysis

State level Federation
position Civil Intelligence Service
Supervisory authority United States Department of Homeland Security
Headquarters Washington, DC
Authority management David Glawe, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
Web presence

The Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) is the intelligence service of the Ministry of Homeland Security . The I&A is managed by the Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis . It is not to be confused with the US Treasury Department 's Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the same name .

Mission and organization

The task is to compile and evaluate all intelligence-relevant information from the subordinate authorities of the ministry. These are:

The agency is part of the intelligence community and represents the Ministry of Homeland Security alongside Coast Guard Intelligence .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Office of Intelligence and Analysis. In: Department of Homeland Security, August 16, 2019, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  2. ^ Operational and Support Components. In: Department of Homeland Security, November 20, 2018, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  3. ^ How The IC Works. In: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, accessed December 21, 2019 .