Olaf Welding

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Olaf Welding (born October 29 . Jul / 10 November 1893 greg. In Meckshof / Livonia ; † 28. September 1960 in Stade ) was a Baltic German lawyer and genealogist .


The father immigrated to Livonia from Denmark ; the mother came from the old Estonian (originally Thuringian) pastor family Hoffmann. After attending Zeddelmann's private grammar school in Dorpat , he passed his Abitur in Saint Petersburg , studied law in Moscow from 1913 to 1917 and returned to Dorpat in 1918. From 1923 to 1939 he worked in the judiciary in Estonia , the longest time in Fellin . After the resettlement as a result of the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939, he was a district judge in Konitz / Wpr from 1941 to 1945 . After fleeing to the West, he became a judge at the Hamburg-Bergedorf Court of Justice in 1948 , then a public plaintiff at the appeal committee for denazification; In 1950 he retired due to illness.


Welding has made a name for himself as a genealogist through a lot of personal research, was a member of the Baltic Historical Commission , the working group of East German family researchers , and a corresponding member of the Herold . He owned an extensive library, which formed the basis for the Baltic German Biographical Lexicon founded by him . He was able to finish about half of the material himself; further processing and publication in 1970 was carried out by Wilhelm Lenz with the collaboration of Erik Amburger and Georg von Krusenstjern .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Olaf Welding: Contributions to the history of the Hoffmann family in Thuringia and Estonia. Hamburg: v. Hofmann 1966.