Oleh Malzew

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Oleh Malzew

Oleh Wiktorowytsch Malzew ( Ukrainian Олег Вікторович Мальцев , also Oleg Maltsev ; born April 17, 1975 in Odessa , Ukrainian SSR ) is a Ukrainian psychologist who brings a variation of the fateful analytical method of the Hungarian psychoanalyst Leopold Szondi to his organization. He is also a martial arts teacher and writer on European mysticism . In Russia and Ukraine, his organization is criticized as a cult .


Oleh Malzew was born on April 17, 1975 in Odessa to a Jewish family who moved to Sevastopol that same year . During his training at the Moscow Cadet Corps , where he learned the basics of several martial arts, his mentor Viktor Pavlovich Svetlov (pseudonym of Avraam Michelssohn, 1919-1998) with his ideas and techniques of self-improvement had a long-term influence on Malzew. At the same time, Malzew was studying law and was admitted to the bar, first in Russia and then in Ukraine. Svetlov was the heir to a Soviet tradition of studying memory, and Malzew showed an interest in psychology , later encountering the theories of Leopold Szondi , which eventually became “one of the pillars” of Malzew's worldview.

Initially in cooperation with Svetlov, who died in an accident in Moscow on April 27, 1998, and later with a small number of students, Malzew founded several organizations.

At the end of 2013, Malzew, who portrays himself as a brilliant scientist , spiritual teacher and the most worthy of all people , moved from Sevastopol in the Crimea to Odessa after several criminal proceedings for fraud were initiated against him in the Crimea. Under the guise of a group of companies engaged in legal, educational and other commercial activities, a destructive, totalitarian cult is hidden.

These organizations include the research institute "International Society for Analysis of Fate", the "Institute of Memory" and the institute for "Research into global military traditions and criminal research into the use of weapons", with the "Applied Science Organization" serving as the umbrella organization for all three institutes. all of which follow the theories of Malzew. Malzew received his PhD in Psychological Sciences from the Odessa National University on June 26, 2017 .

Malzew is an author and lecturer who offers lectures and seminars in various countries as well as online. In June 2018 an annotated bibliography was compiled by scholars associated with the Italian Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR). CESNUR listed 40 books, 23 translations of martial arts and fencing treatises from Italian, Spanish, German and English as well as 38 documentary videos and films, most of the results of “expeditions” organized by Malzew in search of archival and historical materials .

Malzew is a member of the American Psychological Association and the American Philosophical Association .

Scientific activity

Oleh Malzew examines coping strategies : the behavior of people in stressful situations. He defended his doctoral thesis on “Coping strategy as a security factor of the individual in modern social space”, in which he examined the behavior of people in war using the example of a military conflict in Donbass. Studies were conducted using a sample of the Ukrainian-speaking populations of Kiev , Lviv , Odessa, and Mariupol . Malzew analyzed the relationship between stress, coping strategies and personal security and proved that a subjective feeling of security helps people to overcome negative attitudes towards themselves and the world. Support from loved ones, psychological support, religious and social activities all contribute to a feeling of security.

The result of these studies was the defense of the dissertation "Coping strategy as a factor of personal security in modern social space" at the National I.-I.-Mechnikov University of Odessa in 2017.

One of the areas of activity is the popularization of the concept of fate analysis introduced by the Hungarian psychoanalyst Leopold Szondi . Malzew founded the research institute “International Society for Analysis of Fate”, in which one of Szondi's books, “Ich-Analyze”, in particular, was translated from German for the first time. Analysis of fate, cognitive-experimental and genetic-psychological theories as well as the transactional stress theory served to cope with research during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Oleh Malzew is working with the Szondi Institute, Zurich , to develop the concept of fate analysis . Malzew's scientific work was highly valued by the Italian sociologist of religion, Professor Massimo Introvigne , who was interested in analyzing fate as one of the fields of academic science.

In August 2019, Ph.D. in psychological sciences Oleh Malzew together with the doctor of law Olexander Sainchin and the doctor of law Alexander Sotula a monograph on the investigation of serial murders . The authors of the scientific work are Oleh Malzew and Olexander Sainchin. The authors hope their work will be a step towards legislative acceptance of a concept of "serial killings" that has not yet been incorporated into a country's legislative system. The monograph consists of three sections. Two of them include a comparative legal study of the criminal law of Ukraine and other countries within the Roman-German family, the theoretical foundations of investigation, tactics of prosecuting and detaining suspects, and the third section describes the psychological portrait of serial killers.

Analysis of Fate and the Legacy of Szondi

Malzew's work in the field of psychology follows both the memory research of the Soviet academics Grigori Semenowitsch Popov and Alexei Samuilowitsch Jakowlew and the tradition of Leopold Szondi , which represents a minority tendency within psychoanalysis in relation to the majority schools of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung , both were friends with Szondi and had held him in high regard. Szondi's basic theory was that in addition to Freud's personal unconscious and Jung's collective unconscious, there is a "familial unconscious" representing the presence of our near and distant ancestors in our psychic field. It is of crucial importance in determining our decisions; H. our fate". When we become aware of our familial unconscious, we will be able to overcome our “compulsive destiny” and act more freely by making the most important decisions of our lives.

Malzew teaches an original version of Szondi's system, which mainly focuses on analyzing the "blocks" in our memory, where the familial subconscious also works, and techniques for exploring and interacting with the memory blocks to develop our skills. This combines Szondi's analysis of fate with a doctrine originally developed by Svetlov known as “Postament” (pastament), a “science of task execution” that leads us to find the most effective solutions to problems we focus on encounter in life.

Malzew also believes that Szondi's analysis of fate can be useful in a variety of fields, including historical investigation. For example, Italian psychologist Raffaella Di Marzio has analyzed how Malzew uses fate analysis in his documentary No Fear No Regret, about the Sicilian bandit Salvatore Giuliano . According to Di Marzio, the film “tests the analysis of fate on Salvatore Giuliano” and shows how Szondi's method “can actually help to disentangle the real Giuliano from the mythological”. The film, claims Di Marzio, insists that "the mythological Giuliano has traits that are unconsciously incompatible with a Sicilian family and are typically American" and declares the "Sicilian" traits to be real and the "American" to be spurious.

Expedition activities

Oleh Malzew and some members of the Expeditionary Corps

Malzew is the founder and head of the Expeditionary Corps. Over the course of more than 5 years, 35 expeditions have been carried out under his direction to different parts of the world, including Mexico , Italy , Spain , Germany, the USA and many other countries. Expeditionary Corps pays special attention to the study of European mysticism. From 2014 to 2019 various expeditions were carried out on this subject, including: an expedition to Athos , the Rhine , Venice , Vienna , the Canary Islands , etc.

In March 2018, Oleh Malzew and the expedition team conducted an investigation into the criminal subculture of Calabria. The base of the expedition was located in the city of Fiumefreddo Bruzio , where the researchers studied the mechanisms of formation, rules of interaction, tactics, strategy and mechanisms of influence and secret power of the criminal subculture of Calabria. In the summer of the same year, an expedition to Cape Town was carried out to investigate the criminal subculture of the Republic of South Africa .

In September 2019 an expedition was conducted to investigate the mystique of Florence .

In the fall of 2017, the Expeditionary Corps investigated the story of Cus D'Amato . The research took place in the USA and Italy, where the family of the legendary coach came from. As a result of the research, a number of books were written on Cus D'Amato, his biography, philosophy and methods.

Analog photography plays an important role in Malzew's expedition research , as it is a reliable source of evidence and is used to create scientific publications.


Malzew's work goes beyond psychology as he argues that while exploring memory we are necessarily confronted with the question of God. Indeed, Malzew claims, there are three different gods. We are all born with only one representation of God present in our minds as an innate conception of "justice, mercy and truth" as we use our imaginations to create a second image of God, an entity "up in the sky" that rewarded and punished, and life teaches us a third concept of a " Ship God " , the ship's captain whom we call society and a model that is reflected in myriad social organizations.

There are three systems in European history, Malzew claims, which he calls Athos, the Rhine and Venetian. The Athos system, named after the Greek holy Mount Athos , uses the "god of heaven" to keep people in a state of submission and fear. The Rhine systems dealing with the ship god are constantly reacting against the Athos system, but both were created by the Venetian system, the only one who knows the existence of the three gods and deals with the memory god.

Mysticism was the spirituality of the European ruling classes, also known as "truth". It is a lost and secret doctrine, but, Malzew claims, it can be restored by an introductory process that continues through steps that are part of a Small Lodge and a Large Lodge. Some scholars have called this part of Malzew's system "esoteric", although he believes that esotericism is only part of mysticism, and perhaps not the most important. In 2018, the newsletter of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism ( English European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism ) informed in the overview of publications of the scientific articles with approval that "although Malzew himself would deny that his teachings are part of the ' Are esoteric ', external observers may have reason to conclude that they are part of the broader term' the esoteric paradigm '. "

In Malzew's system, the degrees of the Grand Lodge are associated with the interaction between the "requirement objects," sixty-four mysterious characters that are part of our familial unconscious. According to the Italian scientist Massimo Introvigne , Malzew teaches that “we can find out the secret names and keys in order to interact with the 64 requirement objects in the family unconscious. These requirement objects are invisible and do not understand human language. However, we can infer significant knowledge about them, learn about access mechanisms to the request objects, and even find their names by carefully analyzing the "Old Testament" books of the Bible, as well as certain degrees and rituals of Freemasonry .

Martial Arts and Criminal Traditions

Malzew believes that the world's criminal traditions, including the Sicilian Mafia , preserve a number of truths about European mysticism: when certain knowledge was lost in mainstream society, parts of it survived in criminal societies. The mysticism of European chivalry has also been expressed in techniques of weapon handling, fencing and martial arts, which, according to Malzew, have a deep spiritual component. Malzew devoted a lot of time to researching both the criminal traditions of several countries and the ancient treatises on fencing and the handling of weapons, and translating into Russian a number of classics, particularly Spanish and Italian.

An example of Malzew's work in this area is his research into the Numbers Gang and other South African criminal organizations, which focus on both their gun-handling techniques and their "religious-philosophical worldview" based on the idolatry of Mzuzephi Mathebula as Nongoloza, the founder of the Umkosi Wezintaba movement, which today's gangs consider their ancestors. A summary of Malzew's work on South African gangs was published in the 2018 Russian edition of National Geographic . Malzew has done similar research on Russian criminal organizations called the Russian Mafia (a label he believes is inaccurate) and found that it is "a criminal system formed over 11 historical periods" and that "tradition" describes this milieu, which has its own language, folklore, rituals and even “uniform religious beliefs of an unconventional nature”, better than the commonly used expression “subculture”. In addition to the Mafia in Sicily , Malzew has also investigated her counterpart in Calabria , 'Ndrangheta , emphasizing that the Calabrian criminal subculture is different from the Sicilian, and claims that both its “culture” and weapon handling techniques are influenced the German and Spanish chivalry and even through the spirituality of the Franciscans .

Authors of the book Oleg Maltsev and Tom Patti

In the field of martial arts, as reported in an article in the Russian edition of National Geographic, Malzew is best known for studying and teaching the Spanish tradition of fencing as Destreza , in both his Spanish and Sicilian incarnations and translation into Russian of works by such Spanish fencing luminaries as Jerónimo Sánchez de Carranza and Luis Pacheco de Narváez. In 2018 he offered a course in Neapolitan fencing and weapon handling in Palermo, Sicily, a city that was once an important center for these techniques.

Malzew claims that the psychological and mystical principles that govern traditional fencing have been carried over into modern boxing through various routes from certain techniques , as evidenced by the activities of the legendary American trainer Cus D'Amato , the manager of Mike Tyson , the Malzew two books Uncompromising pendulum (non-compromised pendulum), lightning rods as lightning dedicated (Lighting rod did strikes faster than lightning itself) and three documentaries.


As Italian sociologist PierLuigi Zoccatelli noted, “Martial arts and teaching weapon handling technique are very competitive areas and competitors have tried to use the charge that Malzew has a 'cult' to warn students not to attend his courses. There were endless arguments about his gun-handling qualifications; some accused him of being an upstart with no credible parentage, while luminaries like Jon Rister supported Malzew and even co-authored books with him. ”Lloyd De Jongh, an expert on South African criminal traditions, also co-wrote the book with Maltzew.

Indeed, competitors in the field of martial arts have criticized Malzew as the "cult leader" developed since 2012 by representatives of the anti-cult movement in Ukraine and Russia. According to the reconstruction of Willy Fautré, director of the NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers ( Human Rights Without Frontiers ), the "discontent of a lady in Odessa, Maria Kapar, about the content of the lessons of Maltsev, which she visited in Applied Science Association" led to Contacting the Russian branch of the organization of the European Federation of Research and Information Centers on Sectarianism (FECRIS - European Federation of Centers of Research and Information on Sectarianism), led by Russian anti-cult activist Alexander Dvorkin. The anti-cultists, in turn, contacted the Ukrainian media and a campaign was launched criticizing Malzew as the leader of a "dangerous cult" intended to brainwash its followers . The controversy peaked in 2015-2016 and then declined due to effective opposition from Malzew and his lawyers - Malzew is himself a partner in the Redut law firm, which is part of the Applied Science Association's network.


Web links

Commons : Oleh Malzew  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Massimo Introvigne : Applied Sciences Association. In: World Religions and Spirituality Project. Retrieved September 24, 2018 .
  2. a b Willy Fautré: Followers of Jewish Psychiatrist Leopold Szondi Accused by FECRIS Vice-President Alexander Dvorkin of Belonging to a 'Cult.' In: Human Rights Without Frontiers. Retrieved September 24, 2018 .
  3. a b Willy Fautré: Anti-Cult Wars in Europe: FECRIS, Alexander Dvorkin and Others. The Case of the Applied Sciences Association in Odessa . Ed .: The Journal of CESNUR. tape 2,3 (2018) , ISSN  2532-2990 , p. 54–65 , doi : 10.26338 / tjoc.2018.2.3.4 (English).
  4. a b c d e f g h i Massimo Introvigne: In Search of Mysticism: Oleg Maltsev and the Applied Sciences Association. Ed .: The Journal of CESNUR. tape 2,3 (2018) , ISSN  2532-2990 , p. 14–35 , doi : 10.26338 / tjoc.2018.2.3.2 (English).
  5. a b c d e f PierLuigi Zoccatelli: Introduction: Mysticism, the Esoteric Paradigm, and Oleg Maltsev. Ed .: The Journal of CESNUR. tape 2,3 (2018) , ISSN  2532-2990 , p. 3–13 , doi : 10.26338 / tjoc.2018.2.3.1 (English).
  6. ^ A b Raffaella Di Marzio: No Fear No Regret: Oleg Maltsev and the Mythical History of Salvatore Giuliano. Ed .: The Journal of CESNUR. tape 2,3 (2018) , ISSN  2532-2990 , p. 36–53 , doi : 10.26338 / tjoc.2018.2.3.3 (English).
  7. Деструктивный культ? Как в Одессе «король» молодежь охмуряет Destructive cult? How in Odessa the king seduces the youth dumskaya.net of February 29, 2016; accessed on October 22, 2019 (Russian)
  8. Андрей Выгодский: Учёный из Одессы стал академиком УАН. Общественный прибой, accessed November 25, 2018 (Russian).
  9. Нелли Мадиевская: Украинский учёный стал членом Американской Ассоциации Философов. Общественный Прибой, June 4, 2019, accessed October 22, 2019 (Russian).
  10. Мальцев О. В .: Соціальні копінг-ресурси особистості як чинники відчуття власної безпеки // Освитіта та розвитокта та розвитото. Освіта та розвиток обдарованої особистості, 2016, accessed October 23, 2019 (Ukrainian).
  11. Мальцев О. В .: Соціально-демографічні особливості копінг-ресурсів особистості. // Освіта та розвиток обдарованої особистості., 2016, accessed October 23, 2019 (Ukrainian).
  12. ^ A b O. V. Maltsev: Previous testing of the scale of social coping resources to Ukrainian sample. farplss.org, March 10, 2016, accessed on October 23, 2019 .
  13. a b К41.051.07 психологічні науки. onu.edu.ua, December 23, 2016, accessed October 23, 2019 (Ukrainian).
  14. «Я-Анализ» Леопольда Сонди. Перевод и разбор книги. your-fate.com., February 8, 2017, accessed October 23, 2019 (Russian).
  15. О. В. МАЛЬЦЕВ. МЕТОДИКА "СОЛЯРИС". your-fate.com, 2017, accessed October 23, 2019 (Russian).
  16. Андрей Выгодский: Историческое событие в науке. Одесские ученые в Цюрихе (Швейцария) в Szondi Institute. Общественный прибой, October 26, 2016, accessed October 23, 2019 (Russian).
  17. Андрей Выгодский: Почему профессор Интровинье согласился приехать в Одессу? Общественный прибой, November 15, 2016, accessed October 23, 2019 (Russian).
  18. В Україні видадуть книгу про умисних і серійних убивць. Інтерфакс-Україна, August 15, 2019, accessed October 23, 2019 (Ukrainian).
  19. В Украине издадут монографию о серийных убийцах. LB.ua, August 15, 2019, accessed October 23, 2019 (Russian).
  20. Теоретические основы расследования умышленных убийств: уголовно-правовые, криминавовы расследования ческие криминалистические. Психологический портрет серийного убийцы. Интерфакс-Украина, accessed October 23, 2019 (Russian).
  21. ^ Richard A. Hughes: Return of the Ancestor. Peter Lang, Bern 1992, ISBN 0-8204-1790-4 .
  22. ^ A b Leopold Szondi: Man and Fate. Elements of a dialectical science of fiction (anankology). Harold Publishing, Vienna 1953.
  23. a b Украинские ученые штурмуют Флоренцию. un-sci.com, September 7, 2019, accessed October 24, 2019 (Russian).
  24. Украинские ученый Олег Мальцев про научные аспекты Европейского Мистицизма. tureligious.com.ua, April 26, 2018, accessed October 24, 2019 (Russian).
  25. Наследие Европейского Мистицизма. tureligious.com.ua, April 29, 2018, accessed October 24, 2019 (Russian).
  26. Visiting Calabria: Do All Democracies Have a Mafia? lavocedinewyork.com, April 3, 2018, accessed October 24, 2019 .
  27. О системе бокса легендарного тренера Майка Тайсона Каса Д'Амато вышла книга. telegraf.com.ua, September 3, 2018, accessed October 24, 2019 (Russian).
  28. Как Майк Тайсон из обычного парня стал чемпионом мира. telegraf.com.ua, December 21, 2017, accessed October 24, 2019 (Russian).
  29. Oleg Maltsev: PhotoKlassic internationally The analog photo and Its Role in Scientific Activity . Retrieved October 12, 2019.
  30. a b Oleg Maltsev: Ship God . Ed .: International Schicksalsanalyse Community Research Institute. Odessa 2015 (Russian: Корабельный Бог . 2015.).
  31. ^ A b Oleg Maltsev: "TRUTH": The Game That Rules the Word. Ed .: The Memory Institute. Odessa 2016.
  32. ESSWE Newsletter 9 (1), Summer 2018. Accessed on September 26, 2018 (English).
  33. ^ A b The Journal of CESNUR (Ed.): Applied Sciences Association: An Annotated Bibliography and Filmography of Primary Sources. tape 2,3 (2018) , ISSN  2532-2990 , p. 66–114 , doi : 10.26338 / tjoc.2018.2.3.5 (English).
  34. Volodymyr Pechersky "Гангстери Кейптауна (Cape Town Gangsters)" in Tyzhden on July 29, 2018. Accessed on September 26, 2018 (Ukrainian).
  35. National Geographic "Люди-звери" on August 31. Retrieved September 26, 2018 (Russian).
  36. Sergej Engelmann “Russian Mafia: Criminal Subculture or Criminal Tradition?” In VNY - La Voce di New York on April 16, 2018. Accessed on September 26, 2018 (English).
  37. La Voce di New York “Visiting Calabria: Do All Democracies Have a Mafia?” On April 3, 2018. Accessed on September 26, 2018 (English).
  38. National Geographic "Дестреза: история испанского фехтования как науки и искусства (Destreza: The History of Spanish Fencing as Science and Art)" on May 28th. Retrieved September 26, 2018 (Russian).
  39. Rosaura Bonfardino “Sciabole da ogni parte del mondo a Palermo, la scherma napoletana torna alle origini: 'Venite a conoscerla'” in Palermo Today on June 27, 2018. Retrieved September 26, 2018 (Italian).
  40. World Boxing News "Online marathon dedicated to memory of legendary trainer Cus D'Amato" on November 1, 2017. Accessed on September 26, 2018 (English).
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  45. Niall Doran “The World's First Book About Cus D'Amato's System” in September 2018. Retrieved on September 26, 2018 (English).
  46. Oleg Maltsev, Jon Rister: Eternal Pain: Mexican Criminal tradition . Ed .: Scientific Institute of World Martial Art Traditions Study and Criminalistic Research of Weapon Handling. Odessa 2017.
  47. ^ The Reality Of Edged Weapon Attacks. Retrieved September 6, 2018 .