Olga Nikolajewna Zuberbiller

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Olga Nikolaevna making Biller , born Olga Nikolaevna Gubonina , ( Russian Ольга Николаевна Цубербиллер , maiden name Russian Ольга Николаевна Губонина ; born September 7 . Jul / 19th September  1885 . Greg in Moscow , † 28 September 1975 ibid) was a Russian - Soviet mathematician and university professor .


Olga Nikolayevna's father NP Gubonin († 1918) was the son of a freed serf farmer and entrepreneur Pyotr Ionowitsch Gubonin and worked for the East China Railway . She attended the Moscow girls' high school of Sofja Alexandrovna Arsenjewa (daughter of the architect Alexander Lavrentjewitsch Witberg ) with graduation in 1903. Then she studied in the Moscow higher women's courses founded by Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier in the physics and mathematics faculty with graduation in 1908 with honors. The mathematician Boleslaw Kornelijewitsch Mlodsijewski played an important role as a teacher in her life . In 1907 she married the vice-chairman of the Moscow District Court Vladimir Wladimirowitsch Zuberbiller (* 1866), who died in 1910.

Olga Zuberbiller taught Higher Mathematics in the Moscow Higher Women's Courses, which became the 2nd Moscow State University after the October Revolution and the Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in 1930 . In 1930 she was appointed professor there.

Zuberbiller's and Antarowa's graves

Zuberbiller was a close friend of the poet Sofija Jakowlewna Parnok , whose estate she managed after her death in 1933. She was then close friends with the contralto Konkordija Evgenjewna Antarowa .

Zuberbiller retired in 1969.

Zuberbiller was buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Honors, prizes

  • Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1955)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Кузнецова К.А .: О.Н. Цубербиллер - трудный путь в науку . In: Современные научные исследования и инновации . No. 1 , 2018 ( [1] [accessed June 12, 2020]).
  2. a b c Brodell, Ria: Olga Nikolaevna Tsuberbiller . 2014 ( [2] [accessed June 12, 2020]).
  3. a b Новодевичий некрополь (accessed June 12, 2020).
  4. Об Университете / История вуза / Выдающиеся ученые МИТХТ (accessed June 12, 2020).
  5. О. Н. Цубербиллер и С. Я. Парнок (accessed June 12, 2020).
  6. ^ Diana Burgin: Sophia Parnok: The Life and Work of Russia's Sappho . NYU Press, 1994, ISBN 978-0-8147-2504-7 .
  7. ^ Katherine Bliss Eaton: Enemies of the People: The Destruction of Soviet Literary, Theater, and Film Arts in the 1930s . Northwestern University Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0-8101-1769-3 .
  8. Н.А.Тоотс: Беседы Учителя. Какпрожить свой серый день. Книга I . Дельфис, Moscow 2012, ISBN 978-5-93366-017-0 ( [3] [PDF; accessed June 12, 2020]).