Olivier Klose

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Olivier Klose (born April 12, 1860 in Sibiu in Transylvania , † May 31, 1933 in Vienna ) was an Austrian high school teacher and archaeologist.

He graduated from high school in Opava and studied classical philology at the University of Vienna . From 1899 he was a high school professor at the Academic High School in Salzburg . On November 23, 1900, his lecture on the Roman road and the Roman milestones on the Radstädter Tauern Pass caused a sensation in the Society for Salzburg Regional Studies and resulted in prolonged newspaper polemics. From 1905 he worked as a curator of the kk central commission and headed the antiquities department of the Carolino-Augusteum Municipal Museum in Salzburg. From 1903 Klose was a committee member, from 1930 an honorary member of the Society for Salzburg Regional Studies. Klose remained active in the field of prehistoric and Roman research in the state of Salzburg. The communications of the Society for Salzburg Regional Studies contain 12 of his treatises. On May 31, 1933, he succumbed to an embolism after an operation.

Publications (selection)

  • The two panegyrici latini addressed to Maximianus Augustus (1895)
  • A Roman burial place in Salzburg (1910)
  • Roman building remains near Glasenbach near Salzburg (1910)
  • Iuvavum. Guide to the antiquity collections of the Carolino-Augusteum Museum in Salzburg (together with M. Silber, 1929)
  • Some ancient finds from the museum's holdings from the past few years , in: Jahresber. d. Municipal Museum Salzburg, 1905, pp. 3–5
