Oldenburg Model United Nations

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founding year 2001
organizer OLMUN e. V.
Venue Oldenburg
Website http://olmun.org/
Overview OLMUN 2019
Main topic Off to a new beginning - Moving beyond borders
number of participants
> 700
Number of committees 10
Conference topics 2019

Oldenburg Model United Nations (OLMUN) is a simulation game by the United Nations (“ Model United Nations ”, “MUN”), which took place in 2001 for the first time in Oldenburg . It is organized by schoolchildren and attended by young people from all over the world. In the 12th repetition of the UN simulation game in 2012, more than 700 students took part for the first time. In June 2019 the conference took place for the 19th time. OLMUN 2020 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic .


The Oldenburg Model United Nations Conference was launched in 2001 by Gero Elerd, then a student at the Oldenburg Old School, in collaboration with other classmates. The first conference was attended by more than 100 students, mainly from the Oldenburg area and a school from St. Petersburg. From the conference, which was largely restricted to the Oldenburg area, the OLMUN has developed over the years into the largest UN business game in Germany. In the meantime, more than 700 students from 15 nations take part. a. the USA, Poland, Turkey, Belarus, Germany, Romania and the Netherlands.

In 2005 the OLMUN e. V. founded to facilitate the organization.


At the Oldenburg Model United Nations, students take on the role of delegates from a particular country. These delegates should represent the views of the respective nation to the best of their conscience, which requires extensive preparation of the students. The conference language at OLMUN is English. The organization is also carried out by students who also provide the "staffs" (a kind of service person) and the "chairs" (the chairmen of the committees).


The participants should train their rhetorical skills and their negotiating skills as well as receive realistic insights into international politics and its problem areas. Because the simulation game is held in English and a large number of participants come from non-German-speaking countries, the students should improve fluency in English and improve their confidence in speaking in a (mostly) foreign language in front of a large crowd. In addition, the conference should serve to make new, international friendships and to get to know other cultures.



The conference is organized by a small group of students from Oldenburg, the "Inner Circle". This begins shortly after the end of the last conference with the preparation of the next one. It is important to find current topics for the committees and sponsors, to brief the organizational staff and the chairmen and to ensure a smooth process. A special feature of the OLMUN, for example in contrast to comparable conferences such as BERMUN, is that it is organized exclusively by students from Oldenburg and the surrounding area who do this on a voluntary basis and receive neither school benefits nor are they supported by teachers or other adults.


The secretariat assigns items for organization to ensure that all sub-items are safely processed

  • of the host families
  • of the volunteers
  • of the supporting program
  • public relations

to members of the Inner Circle.

The conference

Delegate in the Weser-Ems-Halle (2010)

On the first day of the conference, all delegates meet in the Oldenburg conference room, the Weser-Ems Halle , for the opening session, at which the representatives of each country give an opening speech. On the following days, the delegates meet in the respective committees, which are spread across the various Oldenburg schools. There, a guest speaker gives a specialist lecture to bring the topic of the respective committee closer before the delegates then try to draw up resolutions. These are discussed as controversially as possible, and at the end of the conference all resolutions passed by the General Assembly are sent to the Secretary General of the UN in New York.

On the last day, all delegates meet again in the Weser-Ems-Halle, where the past week is reflected and then the conference is officially declared over.

Apart from the agenda items held in the committees in the dress code, as is also customary at the UN, the OLMUN offers the participants a colorful supporting program, including a barbecue, a football game and the OLMUN party in an Oldenburg club.


The secretariat is appointed to the office every year by the general assembly and consists of five experienced MUN participants. The task of the secretariat includes managing the organization and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Other tasks include a. contacting the sponsors, forming a functioning team, selecting committee topics and training the chairpersons. The secretariat is made up of the general secretary, his deputy, the president of the general assembly and his deputy, and a treasurer.


The Oldenburg Model United Nations Conference 2019 is limited to the following ten United Nations committees:

The annually changing committee also enables delegates to debate other topics on the international agenda beyond the basic committees.


The topics of the Oldenburg Model United Nations deal with current political issues that are important to the public. Each year the conference has an overarching theme which applies to all committees and which the committee topics are based on.


In 2011, the OLMUN was guided by the model of globalization and the extent to which change with possible consequences is imminent.

Conference theme Globalization - change and challenges
UN Security Council humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip
3. Committee of the General Assembly Integration of disabled people into society
4. Committee of the General Assembly Basics of good governance
UN environmental program Recycling of electronic waste
Economic and Social Council Prevention of currency crises
Human Rights Council Access to education for stateless persons and refugees
Special conference Exploitation of oil in Africa
Drugs and Crime Office Combating the financing of international terrorism


The increase in the world population to more than 7 billion people for the first time formed the basis for the main theme of the 12th Conference of the Oldenburg Model United Nations.

Conference theme Seven billion reasons for reform
UN Security Council nuclear threat from North Korea
3. Committee of the General Assembly uncontrolled migration and urban growth
4. Committee of the General Assembly The potential of the internet
UN environmental program Simulation of the Rio + 20 conference
Economic and Social Council Importance of integrating the bottom trillion
Human Rights Council Protection against sexual discrimination
Special conference Framework program for the fight against piracy
Youth Committee Opportunities for youth to participate in political processes


Conference theme Preservation of the earth for a future worth living in
UN Security Council The threat to international peace posed by North Korea
3. Committee of the General Assembly Preventing Religious Discrimination
4. Committee of the General Assembly Lobby control to prevent corruption within governments
UN environmental program Limitation of clearing to preserve biodiversity
Economic and Social Council Effects of food speculation on food access
Human Rights Council Fight against human trafficking
Special conference Maintaining the ability to conduct UN peace missions
World Intellectual Property Organization Access to generics in developing countries


Conference theme World peace - our task today, our goal for the future
UN Security Council Crisis in South Sudan
3. Committee of the General Assembly Investigation of new development goals to revise the Millennium Development Goals
4. Committee of the General Assembly Reduction and reduction of infectious diseases
UN environmental program GEO engineering and its consequences for the environment
Economic and Social Council General protection from commercialization of water resources
Human Rights Council Promotion and protection of children's rights in crisis regions
Special conference Use of potential in post-conflict regions by expanding the Responsibility To Protect
UN program for world peace Commissioning of private security companies with a focus on armed conflicts


Conference theme 70 Years of the United Nations - Progress, Achievement, Striving
UN Security Council Islamist terrorism in Africa
3. Committee of the General Assembly Improving statelessness end strategies
4. Committee of the General Assembly Combating the financing of terrorist activities
5. Committee of the General Assembly Development of a reform of the UN structures and procedures
UN environmental program Establishing general guidelines for industrial waste
Economic and Social Council Establish a framework for the extraction and trading of rare earths
Human Rights Council Promote good practice in the treatment of prisoners
Special conference Investigating and reviewing regulatory systems in the international arms market


Conference theme World peace - our task today, our goal for the future
1. Committee of the General Assembly Approaches to the threat from chemical and biological weapons
3. Committee of the General Assembly Development of guidelines for sustainable urban development
Economic and Social Council Improving global internet access
UN environmental program Assessment of genetic manipulation regarding the consequences in agriculture and nutrition
Human Rights Council Improving the situation and opportunities for local people
United Nations Industrial Development Organization Improvement of the global conditions to establish the concept of cooperative social responsibility
Women's Rights Commission Strengthening the role of women in ensuring the inclusive
African Union Development of operational school systems in countries with low
Security Council Another emerging representative conflict in the Middle East? Enabling Peace and Stability in the Middle East


In 2019 the main theme was "Off to a new beginning - Moving beyond borders" and thus stood as an appeal for dwindling multilateralism .

Conference theme Off to a new start - let's go beyond our limits
1. Committee of the General Assembly International arms trafficking
World Health Assembly Epidemic prevention and control
Economic and Social Council The growing problem of counterfeit medicines and food
UN environmental program Side effects of oil and gas mining
Human Rights Council Protecting civilians in war zones from sexual and physical violence
UNESCO Protection of world cultural sites in war zones
NATO The behavior of Russia towards its neighboring countries
Special conference Strengthening freedom of the press and freedom of expression
Historic Security Council The Yom Kippur War (1973)
Security Council Venezuela - a humanitarian, economic and political crisis

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Report of the opening event - OLMUN 2012 on nwzonline.de from June 27, 2012, accessed on May 11, 2017
  2. Official website accessed on November 1, 2017
  3. ^ OLMUN »News. Retrieved March 27, 2020 .
  4. Article - OLMUN 2011  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at nwzonline.de, accessed on February 28, 2012@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.nwzonline.de  
  5. Video: Objectives of the OLMUN - Secretary General of the OLMUN 2011 ( Memento of the original from July 6, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at nwzonline.de, accessed on February 28, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.nwzonline.de
  6. ^ OLMUN »Team» Secretariat »Info. Retrieved April 24, 2019 .
  7. Agenda - OLMUN 2011 (PDF; 350 kB) on olmun.org, accessed on February 16, 2013
  8. Growth of the world population on stern.de, accessed on January 16, 2013
  9. Agenda - OLMUN 2012 (PDF; 241 kB) on olmun.org, accessed on February 16, 2013
  10. Agenda - OLMUN 2013  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. from olmun.org, accessed January 16, 2013@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / forum.olmun.org  
  11. [1] on olmun.org, accessed on May 20, 2014
  12. [2] on olmun.org, accessed on June 28, 2015
  13. Agenda - OLMUN 2017 at olmun.org, accessed on April 4, 2017
  14. ^ OLMUN News , accessed April 9, 2017.
  15. Agenda OLMUN 2019. (PDF) OLMUN eV, accessed on April 24, 2019 .