Olof Schwan

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Olof Schwan (also Olof Svan ; born October 18, 1744 in the municipality of Säter , Kingdom of Sweden ; † April 15, 1812 in Kungsholm, Stockholm ) was an important Swedish organ builder in Stockholm.


Prospectus in stock exchange style

Olof Schwan went to Stockholm in 1761, where he learned organ building from Jonas Gren and Petter Stråhle. From 1765 he worked for their successor Carl Wåhlström. Schwan took over his workshop in 1777. In the first few years he worked with Matthias Swahlberg, from 1784 then alone until his death.

Olof Schwan is considered to be one of the most important organ builders in Sweden in the late Baroque period (sometimes referred to as the Swedish silver man ). He had numerous students.

Organs (selection)

About 50 new organs by Olof Schwan are known, mainly in Sweden, some in today's Finland, one in Saint Petersburg. Six organs have largely been preserved, as well as 15 brochures. Instruments that have been completely lost are in italics .

year place building image Manuals register Remarks
around 1769 St. Petersburg Swedish Church of St. Catherine 1769 rebuilding of the church, organ destroyed after 1934
1775 Linkoping St. Olai kyrka (St. Olaf Church)
WTNkpng1 Katy AM Sankt Olai kyrka Norrköping 19.JPG
II / P 33 first major organ building, prospectus preserved, therein new work in 1872
1779 Vaxjo Cathedral church
Växjö cathedral organ.jpg
33 The prospectus in the cathedral has been preserved, in it a new work in 1885; Remaining Schwan organ brought to Slätthog in 1887, preserved there
1780 Stockholm Tyska kyrkan (German Church) later replaced
1781 Ängsö church I / p 6th Disposition changes in 1867 by JA Lundel and 1923 by Akerman & Lund , received
1783 Hökhuvud church
Hökhuvuds kyrka - KMB - 16000200121559.jpg
I / p 8th with Mattias Swahlberg, 1857 remodeling by Granlund, 1936 restoration by Hammarberg
1783 Exchange style church
Börstils kyrka - KMB - 16000200113889.jpg
I / p 12 1933 Vesterlund added another manual and pedal, 1978/79 restoration by Magnussons
1791 Nauvo (Nagu), Finland church receive
1792 Stockholm Finska kyrka (Finnish Church)
Finska kyrkan Stockholm dec 2017c.jpg
several conversions and changes, 1990/91 restoration and reconstruction by Åkerman & Lund
1796 Stockholm St. Nikolai (Storkyrkan)
Stockholm Storkyrkan organ.jpg
with Rackwitz , who installed the first stop with resounding reeds in Sweden, 1960 work ersetxt, prospectus preserved
1797 Malmo St. Petri
Malmö Petrikirche inside organ.JPG
34 Replaced in 1914, prospectus partially preserved
1805-1806 Vaksala church
Vaksala kyrka int2.jpg
Prospectus from Olof Tempelman, remodeled by Bo Wedrup in 1936
1806 Oved church
Öveds kyrka, orgel.jpg
I / p 10 Repaired in 1948 by Frobenius & Co.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Börstil Emporenorgel Organ Index (German)
  2. Börstil Orgel Orgelanders (Swedish)
  3. ^ Orgel Nagu (Swedish, with link to English translation)
  4. Finska kyrka Orgel Orgelanders (Swedish)
  5. The organs of the Storkyrkan (English)