Omelette Surprise (Comedy)

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Omelette Surprise is a comedy by Axel von Ambesser , which he himself described as "a joke in five acts". The premiere took place in 1979 at the Renaissance Theater in Berlin under Ambesser's direction with Brigitte Grothum (Irene), Klaus Wildbolz (Hubert), Axel von Ambesser (medical assistance) and Alexa von Poremsky (Frau Stein). Ambesser appeared in his role from 1979 to 1984 at the Renaissance theater.

The story is a parody on the Amphitryon -Stoff and set in the present. Jupiter (in the Greek legend Zeus), the lord of the gods, is still alive. Since he has since been de-registered as a deity, he continues to visit women as a “divine playboy ” who he likes by turning into their husbands or partners.

The play begins in a couple's bedroom after such a night. When the husband returns from a business trip, he is amazed to learn that he should have been with his wife all night, which he knew he had spent on airplanes and at airports. He says she dreamed but she can prove his presence during the previous night; he in turn can present his flights and rebookings . Nowadays doctors are consulted in such a case. First the neighboring field, forest and meadow doctor and then a psychiatrist ...

Omelette Surprise is an "enigmatic satire " and relaxed fun with puns and situation comedy . In the 1979/80 season, Omelette Surprise was also shown at the Kleine Komödie im Bayerischer Hof in Munich with Karin Eickelbaum , Klaus Wildbolz and Charlotte Witthauer ; von Ambesser was also active here as an actor and director. A production of Omelette Surprise in the Wiener Kammerspiele (premiere: 23 September 1981) was recorded for television and broadcast on ORF , WDR and BR . The Viennese cast included Albert Rueprecht , Simone Rethel , Helly Servi and Axel von Ambesser, who again directed.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Theater in Kempten: Omelette Surprise . Event information with a description of the content. Retrieved September 8, 2017.
  2. ^ A b Hermann J. Huber: Langen Müller's Actor Lexicon of the Present. Germany. Austria. Switzerland. Albert Langen, Georg Müller Verlag, Munich / Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-7844-2058-3 , pp. 11-15.
  3. a b Omelette Surprise . Brief description. AHN & SIMROCK Bühnen- und Musikverlag, accessed on September 8, 2017.
  4. ^ Program booklet Omelett Surprise. Farce by Axel von Ambesser . Retrieved September 8, 2017.
  5. Axel von Ambesser: OMELETTE SURPRISE . Production details and cast. Official website of Theater in der Josefstadt . Retrieved September 8, 2017.
  6. a b Omelette Surprise. In: Achim Klünder (Ed.): Lexikon der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of television plays in German speaking Europe 1978–1987 . Volume 2, KG Saur. Munich / London / New York / Paris 1991, ISBN 3-598-10836-2 , p. 71.