Ongoing Strategy Investments

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Ongoing - Strategy Investments SGPS, SA.

legal form Corporation
founding 2004
Seat Rua Vítor Cordon, 19, Lisbon
Number of employees 1500 (1989)
sales 100 million euros (1989)
Branch telecommunications

Ongoing Strategy Investments SGPS , SA stands for a private investor group in Portugal .


The group has its origins in the 19th century in a company in the detergent and cleaning products industry , the “Sociedade Nacional de Sabões Ltda.” (SNS), owned by the Rocha dos Santos family. After the Carnation Revolution in 1974, it became the largest private conglomerate in Portugal, with activities in the chemical , agrochemical , food , advertising , media and financial markets . In 1991, SNS sold the detergent and cleaning business and parts of the cosmetics business to Henkel .

The company was founded in 2004 by Nuno Rocha dos Santos de Almeida e Vasconcellos to organize and professionalize the family's investments with a focus on activities in Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking countries. Nuno Vasconcellos is the son of Luís Vasconcellos († 2009) - alongside Francisco Pinto Balsemão one of the founders of the Expresso newspaper and co-owner of the Impresa media group . His is mother Isabel Rocha dos Santos, main shareholder of Ongoing, was the only child of the founder of the SNS João Rocha dos Santos.

Since then, the ongoing group has realigned itself and the industry focus fell on telecommunications , media and technology, energy and infrastructure , as well as financial services and real estate. There are currently strategic investments in Portugal Telecom and the Espírito Santo Financial Group , financial investments in the Impresa company , which includes the Portuguese TV broadcaster SIC and the Expresso newspaper , as well as ZON Multimédia . The business newspapers Diário Económico (Portugal), Brasil Econômico (Brazil) as well as the companies Mobbit Systems and CTN are wholly owned by the group .

The geographic focus is on Portugal, Portuguese-speaking economies such as Brazil , Angola and Mozambique . The group is focused on developing a multimedia platform for the creation, production and distribution of content and services for a potential global market of 250 million customers. The aim of the group is to establish a network of strategic partners in order to operate worldwide in the long term.

In March 2010 the Portuguese competition authority blocked an offer by the ongoing group to buy a 35 percent stake in Media Capital from the Spanish media group PRISA . Media Capital is the largest Portuguese media group. It owns the most watched TV channel TVI , as well as the production company Plural. The deal announced by Prisa in September 2009 would have enabled ongoing a 30 percent stake in Prisa, which is highly indebted with 5 billion euros , and was estimated at around 135 million euros ($ 181.3 million).

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