Oskar Dinkler

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Oskar Dinkler (born September 21, 1861 in Königsee ; † May 23, 1922 in Passau ) was a German pharmacist, chemist and university professor.


Oskar Dinkler studied pharmacy and chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen , the University of Greifswald and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1886 he became a member of the Corps Baruthia and the Corps Borussia Greifswald . In 1887 he joined the Corps Rhenania Bonn . He passed the exams as a pharmacist and chemist and was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD.

Dinkler was appointed Ministerial Director and Professor at the Medical Faculty of the French University in Cairo in 1891 . There he taught pharmacy. In 1895 he went to the medical-pharmaceutical college in Helwan near Cairo as a professor of pharmacology . From 1919 he lived in Solln and from 1921 in Munich . He was married to Adele Schulz from Lübeck, with whom he had two daughters Sophie (married to the pastor Friedrich Janz, Frankfurt) and Annemarie (married to the doctor Ludwig Luchs, Erlangen) and their son Hans.


  • 711. † Dinkler, Oskar . In: Matrikel der Bonner Rhenanen 1820 1970 , 1970, p. 135, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 37/586; 90/362; 26/435