Oskar dude

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Oskar dude

Oskar (Oscar) Geck (born August 8, 1867 in Offenburg , † May 28, 1928 in Mannheim ) was a German journalist and politician .

Due to the democratic and social democratic tradition of his large Offenburg family, Oskar Geck was politicized early on. As a high school student, he worked for his uncle Adolf Geck's Rote Feldpost , an organization that distributed social democratic newspapers and pamphlets, which were illegal at the time. In 1892 he officially joined the SPD . After completing his studies in law and economics , he worked as a correspondent and editor for various party newspapers from 1894 .

In 1903 he became editor of the Mannheimer Volksstimme and settled permanently in Mannheim. From 1905 he was a city councilor for the SPD in the Mannheim Citizens' Committee. Geck became a close confidante of the Mannheim Reichstag deputy Ludwig Frank . Like Frank - and even before him - he belonged to the pragmatic-revisionist SPD wing that dominated Baden. After Frank fell in World War I , Geck was elected to succeed him as a member of the 11th Reichstag constituency in Baden in the winter of 1914 and was a member of the Reichstag until his death in 1928.

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