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Osmikon ( proper spelling : osmikon ) is a research portal on Eastern , Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe . It is the successor to the “ Virtual Specialist Library Eastern Europe (ViFaOst) ” and the “Ostdok” database.

The portal offers online access to specialist scientific information for research on Eastern Europe and is considered the successor to the Virtual Library of Eastern Europe. It combines academic offers on history, language, literature, politics and culture in the countries and regions of Eastern, Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Specifically, the CIS countries in Eastern Europe ( Russia , Belarus , Ukraine , Moldova ), the Caucasus ( Georgia , Armenia , Azerbaijan ) and Central Asia ( Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Turkmenistan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan ), the Baltic states ( Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania ), East Central Europe ( Poland , Czech Republic , Slovakia , Hungary ) and Southeast Europe ( Slovenia , Croatia , Bosnia-Herzegovina , Serbia , Montenegro , Macedonia , Albania , Bulgaria , Romania , modern Greece and the Republic of Cyprus ).

The main component of the portal is the osmikonSEARCH search, which searches over 30 international data sources such as library catalogs, databases and online repositories and enables comprehensive literature research. In addition, osmikon contains offers for the electronic publication of scientific texts, information on research data management as well as a number of specialized services such as the possibility of suggesting books, journals and electronic media for purchase.

Osmikon is operated by four sponsors - the Bavarian State Library , the Collegium Carolinum , the Herder Institute (Marburg) and the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Research (Regensburg) - and was developed as part of the Specialized Information Service for East, Central and Southeastern Europe been.

Osmikon is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Individual evidence

  1. DBIS Slavic Studies: osmikon. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  2. Osmikon replaces the Virtual Specialized Library for Eastern Europe (ViFaOst). Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  3. a b osmikon replaces the Virtual Specialized Library for Eastern Europe (ViFaOst)! Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  4. ^ A b Herder Institute: Verlag. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  5. Specialist information service. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  6. OstDok / osmikon. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  7. osmikon - IOS Regensburg. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .


Web links