Ostheim (Merxheim)

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Ostheim is an abandoned place near Merxheim in the canton of Guebwiller in the Haut-Rhin department , France.

The place is mentioned for the first time in 1291, when the abbot Berchtold von Falkenstein († 1298) of the Murbach monastery and his convent due to "crushing debt " ( gravibus et intollerabilibus oneribus ) the city of Lucerne and the monastery properties in Lucerne and the surrounding area sold to King Rudolf I of Habsburg . Rudolf acted as buyers in the name of his son, who later became King Albrecht I , and his grandson Johann “Parricida” .

The monastery sold the farm and the city of Lucerne as well as the farms of Elfingen, Holderbank, Rain, Lunkhofen, Emmen, Buchrain, Adligenswil, Küssnacht, Horw, Kriens, Littau, Malters, Stans, Alpnach and Giswil along with all courtiers, churches and parishes with benefices , Zwing und Bann , bailiwick, forests, pastures, fishing and mill rights.

King Rudolf paid 2000 marks of silver from Basel weight for this and also gave the monastery the five Alsatian villages and farms of Herkheim , Isenheim , Merxheim , Ostheim and Rädersheim, including bailiwicks and all the rights there.

It is not known when the place was left.


  1. Oberhergheim and Niederhergheim divided in the 13th century.

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