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Dog-ear (Otidea ononica)

Dog-ear ( Otidea ononica )

Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Fire pillow relatives (Pyronemataceae)
Genre : Earlings
Scientific name

The Öhrlinge ( Otidea ) are a genus of the real hose mushrooms from the order of the cup-like with 10 species in Central Europe and over 60 species worldwide.


The eyelets have medium-sized to large cup-shaped or ear-shaped, sessile apothecia , which are often vividly colored and slashed at the edge. They have spherical paraphyses at the top . The ascospores are elliptical, thin-walled and each with two oil drops. The ascus tip does not blue in Lugol ( inamyloid ). The paraphyses are often typically curved at the end, which, in addition to the inamyloid ascus, distinguishes them from the real cuplets .

Further generic features are the small to large cell excipulum and the trama , which is made up of intertwined hyphae.


The earlings usually live on the ground and form ecto mycorrhiza with various plants. According to Gerhardt (2006), however, they are saprophytic . It was not until 2009 that a hypgaean, i.e. H. described underground species, namely Otidea subterranea .


More than 60 species have been described, but only about 25 should have valid species status. Some earlings have been described from the southern hemisphere (e.g. Otidea tasmanica ), but the data suggest that Otidea s. st. restricted to the northern hemisphere. There are around 10 species in Central Europe. The monophyly of the genus has been confirmed phylogenetically.

  • Otidea abietina (Pers.) Fuckel (1870)
  • Otidea alba Velen. (1934)
  • Leather-colored eyelet ( Otidea alutacea ) (Pers.) Massee (1895)
  • Otidea apophysata (Cooke & W. Phillips) Sacc. (1889)
  • Otidea auricula (Schaeff.) Rehm
  • Otidea auriculariiformis Henn.
  • Toad earling ( Otidea bufonia ) Boud. (1907)
  • Otidea caligata Nyl.
  • Otidea cinerascens Velen. (1947)
  • Snail earling ( Otidea cochleata ) (Huds.) Fuckel (1870)
  • Delicate Öhrling ( Otidea concinna , = Flavoscypha concinna ) (Pers.) Sacc.
  • Otidea crassa WY Zhuang (2006)
  • Otidea daliensis WY Zhuang & Korf (1989)
  • Otidea darjeelensis (Berk.) Sacc. (1892)
  • Otidea domingensis (Berk.) Sacc. (1889)
  • Otidea doratophora Ellis & Everh.
  • Otidea euplecta (Cooke) Sacc. (1889)
  • Otidea felina (Pers.) Bres.
  • Otidea formicarum Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea grandis (Pers.) Rehm (1893)
  • Otidea harperiana Rehm
  • Otidea hirneoloides (Berk.) Sacc. (1889)
  • Otidea indivisa Velen. (1934)
  • Otidea kauffmanii Kanouse (1949)
  • Otidea lactea JZ Cao & L. Fan (1990)
  • Otidea lechria (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1889)
  • Hasen-Öhrling ( Otidea leporina ) (Batsch) Fuckel (1870)
  • Otidea lilacina R. Heim & L. Remy (1932)
  • Otidea lobata Rodway (1925)
  • Otidea microspora (Kanouse) Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea mirabilis Bolognini & Jamoni (2001)
  • Otidea myosotis Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea nannfeldtii Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea obtecta pig.
  • Otidea olivacea JZ Cao & L. Fan (1990)
  • Dog-ear ( Otidea ononica )
  • Otidea papillata Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea pedunculata Velen. (1934)
  • Otidea platyspora Nannf. (1966)
  • Otidea propinquata (P. Karst.) Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea purpurea (M. Zang) Korf & WY Zhuang (1985)
  • Otidea pusilla cream (1958)
  • Otidea rainierensis Kanouse (1949)
  • Otidea reisneri Velen. (1922)
  • Otidea schulzeri Quél.
  • Otidea shimizuensis (Kobayasi) Korf (1973)
  • Otidea sinensis JZ Cao & L. Fan (1990)
  • Otidea smithii Kanouse (1939)
  • Otidea sparassis Quél. (1892)
  • Otidea subterranea
  • Otidea subonotica Henn.
  • Otidea tasmanica Rodway (1925)
  • Otidea tianshuiensis JZ Cao, L. Fan & B. Liu (1990)
  • Otidea tuomikoskii Harmaja (1976)
  • Otidea unicisa (Peck) Harmaja (1986)
  • Otidea violacea AL Sm. & Ramsb. (1916)
  • Otidea yuhannensis

supporting documents

  • Ewald Gerhardt: Mushrooms. BLV Buchverlag, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-8354-0053-3 , p. 597.
  • CY Liu, WY Zhuang: Relationships among some members of the genus Otidea (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae). In: Fungal Diversity. 23, 2006, pp. 181-192.
  • ME Smith, RA Healy: Otidea subterranea sp. nov .: Otidea goes below ground. In: Myc. res. 113, 2009, pp. 858-866. doi: 10.1016 / j.mycres.2009.04.006
  • A. Bollmann, A. Gminder, P. Reil: List of illustrations of large European mushrooms. 4th edition. Genre CD. Black Forest mushroom teaching show, Hornberg 2007. ISSN  0932-920X

Web links

Commons : Öhrlinge ( Otidea )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ WY Zhuang: Notes on Otidea from Xinjiang, China. In: Mycotaxon. 94, 2006, pp. 365-370.
  2. ^ PM Kirk, PF Cannon, JC David, JA Stalpers: Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th edition. CAB International University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom 2008, pp. 1-771.
  3. ^ CY Liu, WY Zhuang: Relationships among some members of the genus Otidea (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae). In: Fungal Diversity. 23, 2006, pp. 181-192.