Oton Iveković

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Death of the Croatian King Petar Svačić on the Gvozd (1907)

Oton Iveković (born April 17, 1869 in Klanjec ( Hrvatsko Zagorje ), † July 4, 1939 there ) was a Yugoslav painter .


Oton Iveković began to learn the art of painting from Ferdo Quiquerez in Zagreb . For further training courses he went to Vienna, Munich and Karlsruhe. Iveković created watercolors and sketches from his many travels . These include, for example, works on old Croatian cities, the Velebit mountain range , and motifs from trips through America and Macedonia .

In the works he created, Iveković dealt primarily with Croatian history and Croatian folk costumes . Among other things, works such as “The Arrival of the Croats” , “Death of Matija Gubec” and “The Tomislav Coronation” were created .

Oton Iveković died on July 4, 1939 in the Veliki Tabor Castle , located in the Hrvatsko Zagorje . He was buried in Klanjec.


Web links

Commons : Oton Iveković  - album with pictures, videos and audio files