Otti Tenzel-Koniarsky

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Otti Tenzel-Koniarsky (born June 13, 1923 in Hamburg ; † August 18, 2015 ) was a German dancer.

Since 1955 she was prima ballerina at the Württemberg State Theater , and later at the Hamburg State Opera . After a performance of “Catulli Carmina”, Carl Orff called her “The highlight of the evening”.

Then she was a lecturer for physical training and stage dance at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater .

Otti Tenzel and her husband (since 1955), the set designer Helmut Koniarsky - "the painter and the dancer" in the press - formed a strong team in theater and private life for 43 years.


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Obituary notice Hamburger Abendblatt August 29, 2015, page 14.
  2. Hamburger Abendblatt June 12, 2004 "A life for dance"
  3. Carl Orff Foundation (with picture)