Otto Eckert (pastor)

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Otto Eckert (born July 18, 1891 in Pyritz ; † October 28, 1940 in East Prussia ) was a German Protestant pastor and a leading member of the German Christians .

During his studies he became a member of the Germania Berlin singers . After his ordination in 1919, Eckert first became pastor in Groß Ziescht (today part of Baruth / Mark ), then in 1931 in Zossen . Here he joined the German Christians and the NSDAP , and in the spring of 1933 he supported violent measures against communists and social democrats, such as for the arrest of the deacon Emil Phillip , who was a conservative German national, by the Gestapo and his imprisonment in the Oranienburg concentration camp.

As a member of the Reichsleitung der Deutschen Christen he became Reichsreferent for rural communities in 1933 and took over the newly created office of provost for Neumark and Niederlausitz in the course of the conformity of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union ; at the same time he became a member of the consistory of the Brandenburg Provincial Church and President of the Provincial Synod. In 1934 he took on a part-time pastor's office at the Matthäikirche in Berlin-Tiergarten and in 1936 became provost of St. Nikolai in Berlin . For a time he was also a theological member of the DEK church chancellery .

In the war from 1939, he died in an accident in 1940 in East Prussia.

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical data according to Rainer Bookhagen: The Protestant child care and the inner mission in the time of National Socialism. Volume 1: 1933–1937: Mobilization of the communities. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998 (AKIZ B 29) ISBN 3-525-55729-9 , p. 547
  2. Paul Meißner (Ed.): Alt-Herren-Directory of the German Singers. Leipzig 1934, p. 68.