Otto Heinrich of Braunschweig-Harburg

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Otto Heinrich von Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Harburg (born June 16, 1555 in Harburg ; † October 15, 1591 in Brussels ) was Hereditary Prince of Braunschweig-Lüneburg- Harburg.


Otto Heinrich was the eldest son of Duke Otto II of Braunschweig-Harburg (1528–1603) from his first marriage to Margarete (1530–1559), daughter of Count Johann Heinrich von Schwarzburg-Leutenberg .

Otto Heinrich was brought up strictly scientifically under the supervision of his father, who had forbidden him to instruct him in the visual arts. Otto Heinrich studied at the University of Strasbourg, was first canon in Bremen , but then embarked on a military career .

In 1590 he led the cavalry of Duke Alessandro Farnese in the Eighty Years' War and showed great bravery at the Battle of Ivry on March 14, 1590. Seriously wounded in this battle, Otto Heinrich died a year later in Brussels before his father was 36.

Marriage and offspring

Otto Heinrich married Marie d'Henin-Lietard († 1606), daughter of Count Johann von Bossu, with whom he had a son who was excluded from the Harburg succession in 1588:

  • Karl († November 24, 1620), governor of Beaumont in Luxembourg ⚭ January 15, 1618 Marie Wouters, heiress of Terdeck and Dyck († February 17, 1619)

However, in 1617 Charles was legitimized by the Pope and Archduchess Isabella.


  • New patriotic archive , about Prince Otto Hesnrich's offspring of Braunschweig-Lümeburg not equal , p.92f
  • Patriotic archive for Hanoverian-Brunswick history , Herold & Wahlstab, 1835, p. 126 f .
  • Gustav Adelbert Seyler: Quarterly Journal for Heraldry, Sphragistics and Genealogy , 1873, p. 211
  • Quarterly journal for heraldry, spelling and genealogy, 1st year 1873, Princely Blood. A contribution to the genealogy of the House of Welfs , p.211f