Otto Hoppe (architect)

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Stadtkirche Meiningen
Main barracks in Meiningen, around 1880
Meiningen District Court (1878–1945)
City church and town hall in Meiningen

Otto Hoppe (born December 27, 1829 in Triebes , † September 9, 1891 in Meiningen ; full name: Robert Otto Karl Hoppe ) was a German architect and state construction officer for the Duchy of Saxony-Meiningen .


After studying architecture in Berlin, Otto Hoppe worked for the ducal court building authority in Meiningen from 1860 onwards. In 1863 he was appointed senior building officer. From 1872 Hoppe took over the overall management of construction in the duchy.

Otto Hoppe was regarded as a master in the planning and execution of historical architectural styles, which he implemented in numerous renovations and new constructions of public buildings and churches. After the great fire in Meiningen , he created the new urban planning concept for the reconstruction of the burned down parts of the city. The new districts built from 1875 to 1878 according to his plans are now under monument protection . His most conspicuous and ambitious project to date was the reconstruction of the Meiningen town church, which was characterized by many architectural styles and defaced over the centuries . With this conversion, Hoppe helped this church to achieve a uniform appearance, in which he combined the Romanesque , Gothic and the style - defining neo-Gothic components into a harmonious whole. Here he operated and published archaeological studies and excavations. Some of his most famous structures were destroyed in the air raid on Meiningen on February 23, 1945.


Otto Hoppe realized mostly profane and sacred new buildings and conversions:


  • About the town church in Meiningen. An archaeological study. Kayssner, Meiningen 1883.
