Margarita Borisovna Rudenko

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Margarita Borisovna Rudenko ( Russian Маргарита Борисовна Руденко , scientific. Transliteration Margarita Borisovna Rudenko * 9. May 1926 in Tbilisi , † 27. July 1976 in Leningrad ) was a Russian philologist , orientalist , Kurdologist (specialist in Kurdish language , culture and history ) , Literary scholar and ethnographer . In 1954 she became Dr. sc. (philology).


Rudenko was the founder of literary studies in Russian Kurdology (research in the field of medieval Kurdish literature), author of the first catalog of Kurdish manuscripts owned by the Saltykov Shchedrin Library in Saint Petersburg. She was also the translator and critical analyst of a number of works by medieval Kurdish poets, such as "Sheikh San'an" by Feqiyê Teyran (17th century), "Mem und Zin" by Ehmedê Xanî (17th century)., " Leyli and Majnun ”by Kharis Bitlisi (18th century),“ Yusif and Zulaykha ”by Selîm Sleman (16th century) and others. She was the author of a series of lectures on the history of Kurdish literature , which took place in 1970 in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the State University of Yerevan .

Rudenko made an important contribution to the research of Kurdish folklore and ethnography. Among other things, the realization of the first publication of the manuscript of the Kurdish ethnographer and historian Mela Mahmud Bayazidi , collections of Kurdish national fairy tales , a monograph on Kurdish ritual poetry, a series of articles and lectures on Kurdish folklore, everyday life, beliefs and traditions.

MB Rudenko's scientific activity is particularly significant because of the fact that her research has mostly broken new ground, as the Kurdish language, culture and its history have been one of the least explored areas of oriental studies.



  • AL Grünberg. MB Rudenko in memoriam . Contents: MB Rudenko. Kurdish ritual poetry. Moscow, Publishing House "Nauka", 1982. (А.Л. Грюнберг. Памяти М. Б. Руденко [в книге: М. Б. Руденко. "Курдская, я" поэ М. 1982 ".)

Publications and writings (in Kurdish and Russian languages)

  • Poem by the Kurdish poet of the 17th century Ehmedê Xanî "Mem û Zîn". Author's presentation of the doctoral thesis . Moscow, 1954. ( Поэма курдского поэта ХVII в. Ахмеда Хани "Мам и Зин". Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук . М., 1954. [АН СССР, ИВ]).
  • Collection of A. Jaba (Kurdish manuscripts) . Oriental studies anthology, 1958. ( Коллекция А. Жаба [Курдские рукописи] . - ТГПБ. Т. 2 [5], 1957, "Восточный сборник", 1958).
  • Kurdish folk tales . Collected, translation and foreword by MB Rudenko and I. Farizow. Moscow, Goslitizdat, 1959. ( Курдские сказки . Запись текстов, перевод с курдского и предисловие М.Б. Гловие М.Б. Гуденко заи м.Б. Гуденко за М.Б. Гуденко за М.Б. Руденко заи тИМ. Гуденко9.
  • Kurdish proverbs and sayings . Collected and translated by KK Kurdoev and MB Rudenko. - Contents: “Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the East”. Moscow, 1961. ( Курдские пословицы и поговорки Собрали и перевели К. К. Курдоев и М.Б.Руденко -... В кн .: "Пословицы и поговорки народов Востока" К. ИВЛ, 1961, с 330-331.) .
  • A description of the Kurdish manuscripts of the Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg) collections . Moscow, 1961. ( Описание курдских рукописей ленинградских собраний . М .: Издательство восточной литературы, 1961).
  • Unknown Kurdish folklore version about Sheikh San'an . Content: Scientific conference on Iranian philology. Theses on the presentation. Leningrad, 1962, pp. 36-37. ( Неизвестная курдская фольклорная версия о шейхе Сан'ане . -В кн .: Научная конфереренция конфереренция конфереренция коил Ланс [Тык],.
  • Mela Machmud Bayazydi. Traditions and customs of the Kurds . Translation, foreword and explanations by MB Rudenko. Moscow, Publishing House “Literature of the Peoples of the East”, 1963. ( Мела * Махмуд Баязиди. Нравы и обычаи курдов . / Перевод, предисловие.., Ана С.А., Ана С.А., С.А.
  • Kharis Bitlisi. "Leyli and Majnun". Text, translation and Kurdish folklore versions . Translation, foreword and explanations by MB Rudenko. Publishing house "Nauka", Moscow, 1965. ( Харис Битлиси. Лейли и Меджнун. Текст, перевод и курдские фольклорные варианты . Перевод, предисловие и примечания М.Б.Руденко. М. "Наука", 1965).
  • Faqi Tayran. "Sheikh San'an" . The text-critical apparatus, translation, explanations and foreword by MB Rudenko. Moscow, Publishing House "Nauka", 1965. ( Факи Мухаммед Тейран. "Шейх Сан'ан" . Критич. Текст, перевод, примечания и Рон С65 "С65", примечания.
  • The Kurdish scientist and enlightener of the 19th century Mela Machmud Bayazydi . Newspaper "Rya Teze" ("The New Way"), September 20, 1967 (in Kurdish). ( Курдский ученый и просветитель XIX в. Мела Махмуд Баязиди . - Газ. "РйаТǝзǝ". 20.IX.1967 г. [на курд. Яз.]).
  • About the Kurdish literary version of the poem "Yusif and Zulaykha" . “Rya Teze” magazine (“The New Way”), September 20, 1967. (in Kurdish). ( "О курдской литературной версии поэмы‚ Юсуф и Зулейха '" . - Газ." Рйа Тǝзǝ ". May 18, 1967 [на курд. Яз.]).
  • Funeral songs of the Yazidis of Transcaucasia . - Yearbook “The written monuments and monuments of the history and culture of the peoples of the East”, 1968, pp. 87–88. ( Похоронные песни курдов-езидов Закавказья . - ПП и ПИКНВ. IV. 1968, с. 87-88).
  • The new manuscript of the poem by the Kurdish poet Selims Sleman "Yusif and Zulaykha" . - Yearbook "The written monuments and monuments of the history and culture of the peoples of the East", 1969. ( Новая рукопись поэмы курдского поэта Селима Слемана " Юсуф и Вилейх. 1969. - V.П " .
  • About some peculiarities of the medieval Kurdish literary language (based on the Selim Slemans poem "Yusif and Zulaykha") . - Content: "Iranian Philology". Moscow, 1969, pp. 104-107. ( О некоторых особенностях языка средневековой курдской литературы [по материалам поэмы Селима Слемана "Юсуф и Зелиха"] -. В кн .: ". Иранская филология Краткое изложение докладов научной конференции, посвященной 60 летию проф А.Н.Болдырева." М. ., 1969, a 104-107).
  • Kurdish folk tales . Collected, translation, foreword and explanations by MB Rudenko. Moscow, Main Editor of Oriental Literature, 1970. ( Курдские народные сказки . Запись текстов, пер., Предисл. И примеч., М.Б. Руденко. 1970), М.Б. Руденко.
  • The systems of verse in medieval Kurdish poetry in the northern dialect area . - Yearbook “The written monuments and monuments of the history and culture of the peoples of the East”, 1970. ( Системы стихосложения в средневековой курдской классической классикой классической клаэзситеской классикеской клаэзикет .
  • Time records of the manuscript of Selim Sleman's poem "Yusif and Zulaykha" . Palestinian anthology, No. 21 (84), 1974. Хронограммы в рукописи поэмы Селима Слемана "Юсуф и Зелиха" . ПС. Вып. 21 (84), 1970, c. 68-69.
  • About the creation of the manuscript of the Persian poem version Bakhtiar-Name (the manuscript of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, signature "B1277") . - Yearbook “The written monuments and monuments of the history and culture of the peoples of the East” 1971. ( К происхождению рукописи персидской поэтической поэтической поэтической версии.,. Пикой.,. 1971)
  • Kurdish literature of the 17th century . - Journal “The Peoples of Asia and Africa” 1971, № 3. ( Курдская литература XVII века . - “Народы Азии и Африки”, 1971, № 3).
  • Unpublished poems by Kurdish poets . - Contents: “Orientalistik-anthology” volume 3. Moscow, 1972, pp. 111-137. ( Неопубликованные стихи курдских поэтов . - В кн. «Восточный сборник». Вып. March 3, 1972, с. 111-137).
  • Function of the verb ("geîyan") in the texts of medieval Kurdish literature in the area of ​​the Nordic dialect . - Yearbook "Scripture monuments and monuments of history and culture of the peoples of the East", 1970. ( Функция глагола [ "geîyan"] в текстах средневековой курдской литературы на северном диалекте [курманджи] -... ПП и ПИКНВ VIII in 1972, с. 200-203.)
  • Kurdish literature . - Content: "History of world literature". Volume 4, Issue 7. Moscow, 1973, pp. 61-70. ( Курдская литература . - В кн .: "История всемирной литературы". Т. 4. Вып. 7. М. 1973, с. 61-70).
  • Kurdish lyrical songs from the diaspora of the cycle "dilokê xerîbîye" and their connection to the funeral rites . - Yearbook "Scripture monuments and monuments of history and culture of the peoples of the East", 1973. ( Курдские лирические чужбинные песни цикла "dilokê xerîbîye" и их связь с погребальным обрядом -. ПП и ПИКНВ IX 1,973th.)
  • "Yusif and Zulaykha". Kurdish literature and folklore versions. Author's presentation of the doctoral thesis . Moscow, 1973. ( "Юсуф и Зелиха". Курдские литературные и фольклорные версии. Автореф. Диссер срореф. Диссер срореф. диссертанции на соие 1973.
  • A representation of some ancient rites and beliefs in Kurdish ritual folklore today . - Yearbook "The written monuments and monuments of the history and culture of the peoples of the East", 1974. ( Отражение некоторых древних обрядов и представлений во современном коравременом 1974.
  • Does the manuscript of Selim Sleman's Kurdish poem "Yusif and Zulaykha" represent an autograph? (Saltykov Shchedrin Library, call number - "курд. 15" ). "The written monuments of the east", 1972. Moscow, 1977, pp. 26-27. ( Автограф ли рукопись курдской поэмы Селима Слемана "Юсуф и Зелиха"? [ГПБ, шифр - "курдской поэмы Селима Слемана"? [ГПБ, шифр - «курд. 15» ].
  • Some Kurdish funeral songs from AD Jaba's collection. The written monuments of the east, 1973, Moscow, 1979, pp. 168–173. ( Несколько курдских похоронных песен из собрания рукописей А.Д. Жаба . - ППВ. 1973. М., 1979, с. 168-173).
  • Kurdish ritual poetry . Moscow, Publishing House “Nauka”, 1982. ( Курдская обрядовая поэзия . М., "Наука", 1982).
  • Literary and folklore versions of the Kurdish poem "Yusif and Zulaykha" . Moscow, Publishing House "Nauka", 1986. ( Литературная и фольклорные версии курдской поэмы "Юсуф и Зелиха" . М., Наука 1986).

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