Otto II von Woldenberg

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Otto II as the 35th Bishop of Hildesheim in a painting with medallions depicting all Hildesheim bishops up to the end of the 18th century; Latin inscription: "He added the county of Wohldenberg to the church ."

Otto II von Woldenberg († August 3, 1331 in Hildesheim ) was Bishop of Hildesheim from 1319 to 1331.

He was a born Count von Woldenberg . After the death of his predecessor Heinrich II von Woldenberg, Otto was unanimously elected as his successor by the cathedral chapter. The time of his reign is one of the happiest of Hildesheim Abbey . With the neighboring clerical and secular princes, lords and cities, he concluded a country peace and pursued the oppressors of his monastery with armed force, such as those of Engelborstel and von Münchhausen. The prisoners had to pay high ransom money, which was used to redeem the goods pledged by his predecessors. From the nobles of Plesse he bought the village of Lindau , from the dukes of Braunschweig the house Lutter am Barenberge , the county of Westerhof and the court Berka on the Eichsfeld. He also acquired a quarter of the Woldenstein house with the cathedral chapter. In 1329, after the death of the last Count von Dassel, the properties he had bought in 1310 fell to the Hildesheim Church. The numerous documents issued by Otto attest to his care for the founders and monasteries of his district, the increase in the income of the clergymen and the richer organization of the divine service. The Annenkapelle in the cathedral cemetery was founded by him in 1321.

Bishop Otto II took care of the protection of the Poppenburg against fire and had the residential building and the small tower covered with stone slabs.

He also took care of the expansion of the Steuerwald castle, founded by his predecessor in 1310 in the marshland of the Innerste lowlands, at great expense.

Individual evidence

  1. Burgstemmen History of Castle and County Burgstemmen: History of Castle and County ( Memento from January 15, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) on June 17, 2006
  2. Margret Zimmermann / Hans Kensche: Burgen und Schlösser im Hildesheimer Land , 1st edition Hildesheim: Lax, 1998, p. 80 ISBN 3-8269-6280-X


predecessor Office successor
Heinrich II of Woldenberg Bishop of Hildesheim
Henry III. from Braunschweig-Lüneburg