Otto Nüsslin

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Otto Nüsslin (also Nüßlin ) (born October 26, 1850 in Karlsruhe , † January 2, 1915 in Baden-Baden ) was a German zoologist and forest scientist .


Before Otto Nüsslin studied natural sciences , he worked as an intern in forestry . After graduating, he worked for the forest scientists Bernard Altum and Robert Hartig at the Eberswalde Forest Academy . In 1880 Nüsslin founded the chair for zoology and forest zoology at the TH Karlsruhe and was a professor there until 1914. He carried the title of Privy Councilor .

Nüsslin's main field of research included the investigation of forest pests , such as the bark beetles , on which he wrote the work on normal swarming times and the duration of the bark beetle generation in 1882 . In 1905 his work Leitfaden der Forstinsektenkunde was published , in which he described the harmful forest insects and gave advice on how to control them.

Otto Nüsslin also scientifically described three whitefish in the Swiss lakes - the gang fish , the Albeli and the Blaalig . After Victor Fatio classified the gang fish as a subspecies of Férits Coregonus restrictus nusslinii in 1885 , Nüsslin published the work Die Schweizer Coregonenspecies in 1903 . A reply to Dr. V. Fatios "Deux mots à propos du Coregonus macrophthalmus de Nüsslin" , in which he revised Fatio's system and returned the species status to the gang fish.

Nüsslin had been a member of the Corps Hubertia Freiburg since 1870 .

After Otto Nüsslin include the following taxa are named: Henneguya nuesslini (a Fischparasitenart ) Adelges - Synonyms: Chermes and Dreyfusia - nuesslini (a Pflanzenlausart ), Bursaphelenchus nuesslini (a Fadenwurmart ) and Kissophagus nuesslini (a bark beetle ).

Fonts (selection)

  • Contributions to the anatomy and physiology of the pulmonate , 1879
  • About normal swarming times and the generation time of the bark beetles . General forest and hunting newspaper LVIII, 1882
  • Species authorization of the gang fish , 1903
  • The Swiss Coregon Species. A reply to Dr. V. Fatios "Deux mots à propos du Coregonus macrophthalmus de Nüsslin." , 1903
  • Guide to Forest Insectology , 1905
  • The larvae of the genus Coregonus, their relationships with biology, and their systematic importance , 1908


  • U. Sperlich: Otto Nuesslin . In Peter Weidenbach (Red.): Biography of important forest people from Baden-Württemberg . Publication series of the state forest administration Baden-Württemberg, Volume 55. Published by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Environment Baden-Württemberg. Landesforstverwaltung Baden-Württemberg and Baden-Württemberg Forest Research Institute, Stuttgart and Freiburg im Breisgau 1980, pp. 435–437
  • Obituary . In: Journal of Applied Entomology . German Society for Applied Entomology. Paul Parey Publishing House, 1915.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 32 , 12