Otto Odebrecht

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Otto Friedrich Hermann Odebrecht (born April 20, 1833 in Greifswald , † May 17, 1860 in Düsseldorf ) was a German landscape painter .


Otto Odebrecht was the only son of the Greifswald old man Hermann Theodor Odebrecht (born May 4, 1802) and a grandson of the Greifswald mayor Johann Hermann Odebrecht . He was first a student of the academic drawing teacher Eduard Weiland (1815–1885) and then went to Düsseldorf, where he trained as a landscape painter in August Weber's studio . Since he died early as a result of an insect bite, his oeuvre remained limited. After his death, his father endeavored to combine his son's pictures in one collection.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Jordan : Catalog of the Royal National Gallery in Berlin . Volume 2, p. 163
  2. ^ Fourth and thirtieth annual report of the Society for Pomeranian History and Antiquity . Stettin 1866, p. 51 ( Google Books )