Otto Schwankl

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Otto Schwankl (born April 27, 1949 in Allhartsmais ) is a German Catholic theologian .


As a boy seminarist, he attended the Leopoldinum Gymnasium (Passau) . After a year of pastoral care in Pocking and the ordination on June 29, 1974 in Passau Cathedral , he celebrated the primacy in his place of birth. He was a chaplain in Fürstenstein for three years , followed by another two years in Hauzenberg . From autumn 1979 he continued his studies in Würzburg , where he received his doctorate in 1986 and his habilitation in 1994 . In Würzburg he took over pastoral care in a sister convalescent home in addition to his studies. During his semester break he was spiritual in the St. Valentin house, where, among other things, he led the days of reflection with seminarians. In 1987 he returned to Passau . In the same year he moved to Ruderting and worked as a research assistant at the University of Passau . Since autumn 1987 he has been working pastorally in the parishes of Kirchberg vorm Wald and Ruderting (today: Parish Association Tiefenbach , Haselbach , Kirchberg vorm Wald). From 1995 to 2015 he held the chair for exegesis and biblical theology at the University of Passau.

Works (selection)

  • Church and the world. Identity and contradiction of belief in the principle of freedom . Passau 1973, OCLC 633755064 (also diploma thesis, Passau 1973).
  • The Sadducee question (MK 12,18-27 parr). An exegetical-theological study on the expectation of resurrection (= Bonn Biblical Contributions. Volume 66). Athenaeum, Frankfurt am Main 1987, ISBN 3-610-09102-9 (also dissertation, Würzburg 1986).
  • Light and darkness. A metaphorical paradigm in the Johannine writings (= Herder's biblical studies. Volume 5). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau / Basel / Vienna / Barcelona / Rome / New York 1995, ISBN 3-451-23624-9 (also habilitation thesis, Würzburg 1994).

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