Ottorino Bertolini

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Ottorino Bertolini (born November 10, 1892 in Udine , † July 27, 1977 in Rome ) was an Italian medieval historian.


From 1911 to 1915 he studied at the University of Turin with Pietro Fedele and Gaetano De Sanctis . After the laurea he was called up and fought as an infantry officer on the Isonzo front . As a prisoner of war he was in a camp in Celle . After the end of the war, he initially taught at secondary schools in Lombardy . In 1924 he was seconded to the Scuola storica nazionale in Rome to work on the edition of the Chronicle of Santa Sofia in Benevento . He was later transferred to the Consulta araldica , which was directly subordinate to the Prime Minister. After acquiring the libera docenza , he began to give lectures at the Sapienza in the academic year 1927/28, where he often represented his Turin teacher Pietro Fedele, who was meanwhile at the Roman university.

From 1948 to 1963 he held the Chair of Medieval History at the University of Pisa . In 1952, together with Giuseppe Ermini, he was one of the founders of the Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medio Evo and was active in the organization of the Spoletiner Settimane di Studio until 1972 .

A central theme of his studies were the Lombards in Italy, especially the sources from the Longobardia minore . He was able to edit the Annales Beneventani in 1923 , only preliminary studies appeared for the Chronicon Sanctae Sophiae in Benevent, which showed that the Liber praeceptorum beneventani monasterii Sanctae Sophiae is a Chartular chronicle that is one of the main sources for the Lombardy southern Italy. The relations between Byzantium and its, also former, territories on the Apennine Peninsula were also examined in detail by Bertolini. After all, Rome and the papacy were also dealt with by him in the early Middle Ages.

Between the two world wars, Bertolini was secretary of the Comitato italiano per le scienze storiche and in this function organized the participation of Italian historians 'delegations at the international historians' congresses of the Comité International des Sciences Historiques in Oslo (1928), Warsaw (1933) and Zurich (1938). From 1950 to 1964 he was chairman of the Società storica Pisana , after which he took over the chairmanship of the Società Romana di Storia Patria . In this capacity he promoted the publication of Pierre Toubert on the structures of Lazio in the Middle Ages (1973), to which he contributed the foreword.


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  1. Comparable to the habilitation .