Comité International des Sciences Historiques

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The Comité international des Sciences Historiques (CISH), in the Anglo-American world also International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS) is the worldwide organization of historians . It holds the International Day of Historians every five years and has a general assembly every three years.

The organization was founded on May 13, 1926 in Geneva . There are three types of members: the national associations (50 today), the 32 international organizations (associations for church history or military history, for example ) and nine internal commissions. The German member is the Association of Historians of Germany (VHD), the Austrian member is the Association of Austrian Historians and History Associations , and in Switzerland it is the Swiss Society for History .

International congresses of historians

There were international historians' congresses even before the committee was founded.

count Meeting place year
- The hague 1898
I. Paris 1900
II. Rome 1903
III. Berlin 1908
IV. London 1913
V. Brussels 1923
VI. Oslo 1928
VII. Warsaw 1933
VIII. Zurich 1938
IX. Paris 1950
X. Rome 1955
XI. Stockholm 1960
XII. Vienna 1965
XIII. Moscow 1970
XIV. San Francisco 1975
XV. Bucharest 1980
XVI. Stuttgart 1985
XVII. Madrid 1990
XVIII. Montréal 1995
XIX. Oslo 2000
XX. Sydney 2005
XXI. Amsterdam 2010
XXII. Jinan 2015
XXIII. Poznan (planned) 2020

The last General Assembly was in September 2012 in Budapest , the last Historians found in 2015 in China's Jinan instead. The chairman is currently and until 2020 the Italian historian Andrea Giardina.


  • Karl Dietrich Erdmann : The ecumenism of historians. History of the International Congress of Historians and the Comité Internationale des Sciences Historiques , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1987 (= treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Philological-Historical Class , Volume 3, Volume 158), ISBN 3-525-82442-4 .

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